
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Catrice Update - Autumn / Winter 2014

Hi there!

I had something else on my mind, then I saw email from Catrice team. So, here are the new polishes in their assortment.

Imala sam nešto drugo u planu, a onda vidjela email od Catrice tima. Uživajte u pogledu na nove lakiće u njihovom jesensko-zimskom asortimanu. 

CATRICE Luxury Lacquers Million Brilliance, MPC 27,90
01 It's Showtime

02 Blue Skyfall

03 Let's Get Lost In Vegas

04 Lost'n Roses

05 Plum Fiction

06 Bronze Upon A Time

07 Stars & Stories

08 My Big Green Weeding

CATRICE Ombre Top Coat, MPC 23,90

CATRICE Ultimate Nail Lacquer, MPC 19,90
59 First Class Up-Grape

60 Out Of The Dark

61 Greige The New Beige

62 Must Have Steeletto

63 Mint The Gap

64 It's Time For Lovender

65 Be My Violentine

66 Blue And A Half Man

67 Greyday Greyday
What else is new in their assortment, you'll have to check it out for yourself. Where? On their site -  here.

Kakvi Vas još noviteti čekaju na CATRICE policama, morat ćete provjeriti same. Gdje? Na njihovoj službenoj stranici - ovdje.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana


  1. Oh gosh!!! Great colours and... I WANT THAT OMBRE TOP COAT ^_^

  2. Hmmm, ovaj Ombre Top Coat mi zvuči zanimljivo :)
    Od ostalih, mooožda - 05 Plum Fiction, 59 First Class Up-Grape, 03 Let's Get Lost In Vegas (iako imam osjećaj da će im trebati barem tri sloja nadlaka da se lijepo zaglade!)...
    Iskreno - ovaj put me baš ništa posebno ne privlači!

    1. ništa posebno, osim ova četiri LOL

    2. Ma iskreno ni ta četiri mi nisu niš posebno :P

    3. dobro je i tako, ostat će koja kuna više u novčaniku ;)

  3. Ima super boja šteta što nema swatcheva :/

    1. mislim da bi se po njemačkim blogovima mogli naći, kod njih se ova promjena uvijek desi barem mjesec dana ranije nego kod nas :D

  4. Plum Fiction, First Class Up-Grape, Let's Get Lost in Vegas are my picks. Haha - I see Mala Palcica chose the same :D

    1. LOL great minds (or should i say nail polish addicts) think the same ;)

  5. Replies
    1. i'm waiting to see if any of them will call my name when i meet them in person ;)

  6. They look awesome! Are you planning on getting some of them?or all of them?! I guess I'll find out soon ;D The blue and a half men (lol) looks FABULOUS!!

    1. not all of them ;)
      agree, the blue and a half man looks perfect in my eyes, it reminds me of an old catrice 'it blue my mind' which i love :D

  7. ima zanimljivih nijansi :) Luxury Lacquers zanimljivo izgledaju :)

    1. ne znam, čini mi se da sam se malo umorila od glittera, ali pst, nemoj nikom reći ;)

  8. Oh wow these look really good :-)

  9. Blue and a half man, srce mi je poskocilo kad sam vidjela boju. Mora biti moj :D
    Super su mi ove cetvrtaste bocice, uopce se ne bih bunila da ih uvedu kao novo ruho svih lakova :D

    1. o da, i meni se desilo isto :D
      ne znam, meni su njihove okrugle bočice baš legle, volim ih :D


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