
Thursday, May 9, 2013

5 stars manicure

Hi there!

I have to show you that gorgeous green that I was wearing on my tips in gradient manicure the other day.
Moram vam pokazati prekrasnog zelembaća kojeg sam nosila na vrhovima u zadnjoj gradijent manikuri.

See, I told you it's really an awesome shade! I'm absolutely mesmerized by it . BeYu polishes don't have names but numbers (really, is that hard to came up with some name?), bottle contains 8 ml, brush is medium wide and it doesn't make you any problems while polishing... it applies just great, drying time is pretty decent too... on pics you see - as usual, two coats with no topcoat. This polish deserve 5 stars! You know what - I have stars for it! And heart too! Almost forgot, this is shade #147.
Rekla sam vam da je boja fantastična! Totalno sam opčinjena njime . BeYu lakići nemaju imena nego brojeve (stvarno, pa nije valjda takav problem smisliti kakvo ime?), u bočici je 8 ml laka, četkica je srednje širine i s njom nećete imati nikakvih problema... nanosi se super, čak je i vrijeme sušenja pristojno... na fotkama su - uobićajeno, dva sloja bez nadlaka. Ovaj lak zaslužuje 5 zvjezdica! I znate što - baš ih i imam! I srce! I skoro zaboravih, ovo je nijansa #147.

You must admit that my Gricko also deserve 5 stars and heart, he's the best . Stars and heart are made of metal, and they came from KKCenterhk online shop. I had no problems with stars, they are pretty tiny so you can put them where ever you like... but not the heart shaped studs. Heart is a bit bigger, I tried to curve it but without any success, so I put a lot of topcoat under neat to fulfill the gap. I just washed my dishes, so I guess this manicure is success after all . These studs came in a convenient plastic wrap with zipper, package as usual for KKCenterhk
Morate priznati da i moj Gricko zaslužuje svih 5 zvjezdica i srce, duša je od muceka . Zvjezdice i srce su načinjeni od metala, stigli su sa KKCenterhk online shopa. Sa zvjezdicama nije bilo problema, sitne su pa ih možete staviti gdje god želite... ali ne i srce. Srce je veće, probala sam ga i savinuti no ne ide, pa sam stavila obilat sloj nadlaka pod njega da ispunim prazninu. Baš sam i suđe oprala pa izgleda da je manikura ipak uspjela . Zakovice su došle u zgodnim plastičnim kesicama s patentom, pakiranje uobičajeno za KKCenterhk.

Heart shaped studs you can found here, stars studs here. While you're there, check out their nail art section, there's really a tons of articles there! And don't forget to use my nailcrazy69 code for 10% off! 
Like the studs? How about my new green pet?
Zakovice u obliku srca pronaći ćete ovdje, a zvjezdice tu. Kad ste već tamo, obavezno provjerite nail art dio, imaju tonu proizvoda za nail art! I nikako ne zaboravite iskoristiti kod nailcrazy69 s kojim ćete dobiti 10% popusta!
Sviđaju vam se zakovice? A moj novi zeleni ljubimac?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

p.s. these studs were sent to me for review
p.s. nitne poslane na recenziju


  1. Slazem se Gricko je prava zvijezda posta <3 Lakic je stvarno prekrasan,divna boja,ove zakovice zvjezdice su odlicno legle na ovu manikuru

    1. hvala draga... je, zvjezdice su baš super :D
      i moj gricko, the tlačitelj <3

  2. Predobra boja. A tek gricko <3

    1. lak se može nabavit, ali gricko je samo moj ;)

  3. Boja je superiška, zvjezdice su mi vrh, a maci je zakon! :D

  4. Tirkizni lak= dobitna kombinacija !!

    Lajkam jako :)

  5. Volim ovakve boje za lito, zvjezdice i srce su super, a Gricko je ipak najbolji. :)

  6. That is a beautiful mani - and LOL I bought #147 last week - I agree it is gorgeous, and very close to Ciate Ditch The Heels...

    1. don't have that ciate but #147 is similar to essence bella and we are all bright... but not the same ;)

  7. Lak je presavrsen! :) Zvrzdice su skroz slatke. Mogu li se upotrebiti vise puta?

  8. Res je prečudovit zelenko. :)

  9. Odlična ideaja i prekrasne noktiće

  10. Super su mi zvijezdice,boja prekrasna ;)
    A,vjeruj mi,nije baš lako smisliti ime za lak :PP

  11. Zvezdice su med! Isle bi super preko teget laka :))

    "really, is that hard to came up with some name?"


  12. Gricko me nasmijao! :D Krasna boja, i rhinestonei su supač!

  13. krasen lak, zanimiv detajli! in krasen dodatek k sliki: muca <3

  14. Ma mačke su carice!!! Boja je fantastična, prava morska :)

  15. So beautiful! I love the way you've placed stars :)

  16. fora su zvejzdice ali mi je srce bas super :D

    1. samo da je malo manje bilo bi još bolje, u mene su nokti prilično zaobljeni pa nekako ne leže na njima... ali ok, poslužilo je svrsi :D

  17. gorgeous shade! gorgeous mani

  18. znaš da ti je svaka manikura odlična! ;)

  19. Ovaj tvoj post me podsjetio da i ja od njih imam još jednu stvar za napisati recenziju...Totalno sam zaboravila na nju :/

    1. vjerujem ti, meni se to redovito dešava, ovi su ukrasi kod mene barem mjesec ipol ;)

  20. Vec mi se svideo u gradientu, a i sada kada je sam! :-) Steta sto te zvezdice, srca i slicni ukrascici kod mene ne mogu bas mnogo da izdrze! :-)

    1. meni su zvjezdice izdržale koliko i lak, morala sam ih skidati skupa s njim, srčeka su malo nezgodna jer su malo veća no što bi trebala biti... ali ok, probala sam ;)

  21. Replies
    1. sjetit ću se ovog kad mi ujutro u 3 počme skakat po glavi ;)

  22. Wow! A heart of gold! lol. So cool!

  23. Well, it is easier to fit numbers on a label instead of a name--but I don't like just numbers for polish shades, either. :)

  24. I love the stars, they fit great with the green.

  25. your kitty is so cute!! those studs are really cool, they go perfect with that color nail polish!

  26. The nails look fab babe and I am, loving the style. It is nice to see someone still loving beauty xx

  27. Lovely color and studs. Where do you get the polish from? It is just the most perfect shade of green/teal/aqua lol.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @Kellie M... glad you like it :D I got the polish from Croatian online shop:
    but they don't have it at the moment :(


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