
Friday, January 11, 2013

Fluffy leopard

Hi my friends!

Hope you're all ready for something awesome, because I wanna show you my fluffy leopard manicure .
Nadam se da ste spremni za nešto fantastično, pokazat ću vam svoju paperjastu leopard manikuru .

These are KKCenterHk nail stickers, but not an ordinary stickers, these are red leopard fluffy stickers! They came in a plastic bag with zipper, same as all the goodies from KKCenterHk site. On the sheet you'll find 20 pieces of these stickers, in two shapes, half of them for rounded nails, as mine, and the other half is more square, better for square or squoval nails. 
Ovo su KKCenterHk naljepnice, ali ne bilo kakve, ove su paperjaste, crvene leopard naljenice! Dolaze u plastičnoj vrećici s patentom, kao i sve stvarčice s KKCenterHk stranice. Na papiru ćete naći 20 komada ovih naljepnica u dva oblika, polovica za ovalne nokte, poput mojih, a druga polovica za više ravnije nokte. 

I managed to make a mess on my left hand, but after some practice, the stickers that I put on my right hand are perfectly placed. This is so cute, not typically my type of manicure, but change is always welcomed. 
Uspjela sam unerediti neke od naljepnica na lijevoj ruci, ali nakon kratke prakse, one na desnoj ruci su savršeno smještene. Preslatko, ne baš tip manikure kakav inaće nosim, ali promjena je uvijek dobrodošla.

See, on sheet there are 10 more stickers, I can use it for another manicure. It's really not a problem to place them properly on your nails. I only skip the topcoat, I'm afraid that that way the fluffiness will disappear and I don't want that. These stickers you can found here, for quite reasonable price of 2.90 $, and yes, they  do ship all over the world. I thought the silver base will be great for these stickers (obviously I'm not the only one with this idea ) so I used Flormar 390, gorgeous silver polish, on pics you'll see it in two coats, no topcoat.
Kao što možete vidjeti, ostalo mi je još 10 naljepnica koje mogu iskoristiti nekom drugom prilikom. Zbilja nije problem smjestiti ih na nokte. Jedino sam izostavila nadlak jer se bojim da mi ne upropasti 3D efekt. Naljepnice možete pronaći ovdje, za cijenu od 2,90 $, i da, dostavljaju širom svijeta. Mislila sam da će s ovim naljepnicama super pasati srebrna podloga (očito nisam jedina kojoj je to palo na pamet ) pa sam iskoristila Flormar 390, prekrasan srebrni lakec, na fotkama u dva sloja, bez nadlaka. 


After two coats the nail line is visible more on these photos than live. I don't even mind for those brush strokes, I was searching for this kind of color for a long, long time and I'm so happy I finally found it . The only downside of this polish is that the drying time is not so great... but nothing that speed dry topcoat can fix.
If you like my fluffy leopard stickers, you can have it with 10% off, with my nailcrazy69 code, please use it.

Nakon dva sloja linija nokta se više vidi na fotkama nego uživo. Ne zamjeram mu niti vidljive poteze četkicom, dugo sam tragala za ovakvom bojom i presretna sam što sam ga konačno pronašla . Jedina mana mu je što se malo sporije suši, ali ništa što brzosušeći nadlak ne može popraviti. 
Ako su vam se svidjele moje paperjaste leopard naljepnice, možete ih dobiti s 10 % popusta, s nailcrazy69 kodom, obavezno ga iskoristite. 

Till we meet again... love, Žana

p.s. product send for review
p.s. proizvod ustupljen na recenziju


  1. This is very weird to me. I don't want to pet my nails. I like a smooth shiny surface-

    1. oh, i love to pet my nails, they deserved it ;)

  2. LOVE these!! So fluffy!! Lol they look so awesome!! :)

  3. Fluffy nail tips! How cool is that! :D

  4. Hm. Nisam sigurna dal mi se sviđaju naljepnice ili ne... Ma ajd, sviđaju mi se jer su neobične :D

    1. kao što rekoh, treba probat koji put i nešto što inaće ne bi ;)

  5. Ignorisem fluffy leoparda i prijavljujem da me posetio postar :))))

    1. jeeeeej, ne mogu vjerovat da je 7 dana kraće putovao do danske nego do tebe ;)

  6. Replies
    1. roza pahuljasta macica, pa šta može bit više cool ;)

  7. Fenomenalno! Nokti ti izgledaju bas "mackasto" i opet imas dobar razlog da ne peres sudove ceo dan! :-)

    1. ups, a ja prala suđe :(
      ali naljepnice su preživjele :D

  8. Great - no had washing no work LOL - you need to use them more often :)

    1. lol, 24 hours later and the stickers are still on ;)

  9. this is the most awesome thing i have ever seen!

  10. those are very fluffy and pretty! :) love this mani!

  11. Naslov me malčice zbunio,a onda je sve postalo jasno.Koja kombinacija,mijau!

  12. Predobro izgleda ovo na noktićima. Nisam znala da i takvo što postoji. Divno!

  13. oh wow the pink stickers are super cute!
    would you like to follow each other?

  14. lak je dobar, al mi se naljepnice nimalo ne svidjaju

    1. sad kad se fluffy efekt izgubio više mi se sviđaju ;)
      a lakom oduševljena :D


  16. Wow kako je lepo, mnogo dobro izgleda :)

  17. These are awesome! I tried doing the same thing with flocking powder, but couldn't get it to work.

  18. It's really cute indeed.

  19. the flormar polish is awesome :)

  20. So cool!!! I want to try this with flocking powder!!!

  21. What a cute stickers! :)


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