
Thursday, January 17, 2013

And we have a winner!

Hi my friends!

Just to let you know, our winner this time is:
Samo da vam kažem da je ovaj put pobjednik darivanja:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Congrats! Čestitam! 
I'll send her email right away, if she doesn't answer it in next 48  hours, someone else will get the chance. To all of you wish more luck some other time.
Iz ovih stopa šaljem email, ako se kojim slučajem ne javi kroz iduća 2 dana, netko će drugi dobiti šansu. Svima vama više sreće želim nekom drugom prilikom.

Love, Žana 


Thank you for time spent with me, I appreciate every single comment :-)
But please refrain from spamming me with links.