
Monday, October 1, 2012

September in pictures

Hi my darlings!

Just a reminder of already past month... I've kept myself busy. And this month... you'll found out soon enough, I don't want to you to know all my secrets .
I'd like to remind you that you can still vote for my 'Jack & Sally' manicure here (if you like it, of course).
Samo podsjetnik na već prošli mjesec... bila sam puna posla. A ovaj mjesec... već ćete saznati, ne želim vam otkriti baš sve svoje tajne .
Htjela bih vas podsjetiti i da još uvijek možete glasati za moju 'Jack & Sally' manikuru ovdje (ukoliko vam se sviđa, naravno). 

Have a great night, or just sweet dreams .
Dobar noćni provod vam želim... ili samo slatke snove .

Till we meet again... keep those nails polished, Žana


  1. oh my....those are all great! i have so many favorites for sure! :) its great to see them all again!

  2. I loved the mani with the fire and the galaxy nails, lovely!

  3. I agree with the others, it's nice to be reminded of these lovely mani's again :)

  4. predivni su, ne zna se koji je lepši!

  5. Sve ovo na jednom mjestu, mamma mia, ne znam di ću gledat prije..!

  6. Krasan mjesec na noktičima! Love it! <3

  7. Kako lijepo izgledaju ovako na okupu!

  8. Bila si bas vredna! :-)
    Moji omiljeni manikiri su: Vatrica i Gospodar prstenova :-)
    Najlepse ideje su bile: Srce i Jastucici :-)
    Najludji manikir: Haloween is almost here!
    A sad idem do Vatrice da ti tamo nesto iskomentarisem...!


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