
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Three nail challenge - Day 3

Hi my friends!

Here we are, in a third day of our 'three' nail challenge. Theme is this time - futuristic. For futuristic I have only one thing on my mind.
Evo nas opet, u trećem danu ' tri' izazova. Ovaj put tema je - futurizam. Za ovu temu samo mi je jedna stvar na pameti.

This manicure is already been on this blog, I know, but it fits my vision of 'futuristic' manicure the best. It's not a nail polish, it's a transfer foil. It looks absolutely awesome... until it's layered on my nails . My nails are pretty curved so it gets wrinkled a bit... and what's even worst - it's impossible to capture it with a camera, because of the light fracture. But you can imagine it . It's bling, bling, bling in your face .
How your vision of futuristic looks like?
Ova je manikura već bila na ovom blog, znam, ali jedina savršeno odgovara mojoj ideji futurističke manikure. Ovo čak i nije lak, nego folija. Izgleda apsolutno fantastično... dok nije na mojim noktima . Moji su nokti prilično zakrivljeni pa se i nabora... ali što je još gore - zbog loma svjetlosti nemoguće ju je poslikati. Ali uvijek možete uposliti maštu . Jer ona je bling, bling, bling i zabljesnut će vas .
Kako bi izgledala vaša futuristička manikura?

Let's see what the other girls think about it!
Idemo pogledati i što druge cure misle o ovoj temi!


  1. It's very futuristic - a fight with laser lights :)

  2. Čisto futuristično! super je :)

  3. it´s beautifull im really curious how you need to do that!

  4. It really like how it looks, stunning!

  5. Stunning and lovely :)
    I have been wanting to get some foils but I can´t find them here where I live... or maybe I haven´t searched everywhere yet :D
    Anyway.. I love this mani :)

  6. oh that is stunning! very futuristic indeed.

  7. What a great idea. It fits perfectly for futuristic nails. Well done and original.

  8. Ne da mi se svidja,nego obozavam ovo!

  9. blink,blink,mislim da mi trebaju naočale B-) šalu na stranu,odlično je

  10. Holy wow! I love this look! And I even love all the crinkles and folds it makes it look super cool! <3

  11. Very futuristic indeed and super pretty! Plus, I see no wrinkles ;)

  12. You did great <3 I can't do nail foils, my nails are all curly and weird :(

  13. Kad ovo vidim,odmah mi se pleše disco! Disco-disco...

  14. predivno izgleda!!!!! <3 morat ću to probati jednostavno...

  15. U bling bling. Prihodnost zate bo svetleča :)

  16. Love foils - they're a great way to update your look!! You did a super job)))

  17. Wow, that looks great!
    I hope you will check out my nail art blog that I've just made. :)

  18. thanks girls, for all your lovely and kind words :-D
    hvala vam cure, na ljubaznim riječima :-D

  19. Kaj je bolj futurističnega kot srebrna folija? Nič!
    Res si zadela temo! Super izgleda =)

  20. I really like how this looks! Stunning! ^.^

  21. ma kakvo boranje pa ne vidim ja da ti je ista naborano, sjajno izgleda :D nego koji top coat koristis, ja trazim neki da ih ne zguzva, zato jos nisam ni pocela posteno probavat essence folije koje imam jer mi BTGN ih unisti u sekundi

    1. hvala :-D
      obićni prozirni lak je bolji od brzosušećih nadlaka... ali najbolje rješenje bi bilo kupit baš poseban nadlak za folije, kojeg ja još nisam kupila :-(


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