
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Forest green

Hi my friends!

I've got another one for you - Nabi Magnetic #22 Teal... as in 'teal - my ass', pardon my French.
Imam novog za vas - Nabi Magnetic #22 Teal... o da, žestoka tirkizna, rekla bih .

On upper pics is one coat, no topcoat, outside, shade. Following by two coats with topcoat, I've even tried a magnet from the cap... not so great, the magnet is too weak. But the color is great, reminds me of forest. It's well pigmented, covers great in one coat, nice brush... but it stinks like hell.
Na gornjim fotkama je samo jedan sloj, bez nadlaka, vani, u sjeni. Na donjim fotkama su već dva sloja s nadlakom, čak sam isprobala i magnet s čepa... nije baš dobar, preslab je. Ali, boja je super, podsjeća me na duboku šumu. Dobro je pigmentiran i pokrivan u jednom sloju, četkica je ok... ali smrdi kao vrag.

I thought I'll have more luck with some of my magnets from e-bay... I was right.
Mislila sam da ću biti bolje sreće s nekim od magneta s e-bay-a... i bila sam u pravu.

I can see myself wearing it more than once, love the shimmer in it, and once it's dry it doesn't smell at all 
Unfortunately, my nails are short again, I tried to move chest-drawers in my room... my nails were injured badly, I lost three brave soldiers in that battle 
Već vidim da ću ga nosit još koji put, sviđa mi se kako svjetluca, a kad se osuši uopće ne smrdi .
Na nesreću, nokti su mi opet kratki, pokušavala sam pomaknuti komodu u sobi... par noktiju je stradalo, izgubila sam tri hrabra vojnika u toj bitci .

Till we meet again... love, Žana 


  1. aww kako si slatko to napisala za nokte, tri hrabra vojnika, a i tuzno je, zao mi je,
    a lak je prellijep! =D

  2. Ja moje narendala u salatu danas pa su na zalost prepolovljeni :)) Lepa bojica (al' meni je svaka zelena lepa :))

    1. lol, nadam se da su bar malo popravili ukus salate (ako je to ikako moguće)
      slažem se oko zelenjave na noktima :-D

  3. I think if you try again, you can make the magnet work, you just need to way to position it right and close. But the color is so so lovely on you!!

    1. my nails are pretty curved to get that awesome magnetic design... but i'll wear the polish anyway, it's really great color :-D

  4. Baš mi je žao što izgubila hrabre vojnike, ali meni su tvoji nokići svejedno divni. I sviđa mi se manikura, posebno nakon upotrebe magneta :)

  5. I don't like magnetics but I must say this colour without the magnetic effect, or used as a normal polish I mean, is really beautiful!

    1. agree, this color is great so i'll wear it as an ordinary polish ;-D

  6. Pre-di-van! Ja sam baš u otkrivanju tamnih zelenih nijansi posljednju godinu dana-uvijek sam ih izbjegavala a onda odjednom shvatila da mi dobro stoje. Ova izgleda kao jedna od takvih ;)

    1. znam kako ti je, i ja sam s puno boja prešla onu crtu od 'ni u ludilu' do 'wow,ovo je baš za mene' ;-D

  7. Replies
    1. luckily the fall is just around the corner ;-D

  8. Sorry to hear about the magnet troubles- this manicure is still lovely, though!

    1. i won't cry about it, the color is awesome so i'll wear the polish anyway :-D

  9. Boja je daleko od tirkizne (hihihi..) ali je prekrasna! :-)

  10. Zelena mi ni preveč pri srcu, ampak tale je pa naravnost BOŽANSKI!!!!! Brez magnetnih vzorčkov je res <3 =)
    Kje ga lahko kupim?

  11. Replies
    1. thanks, this color already found a place in my heart :-D


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