
Friday, July 27, 2012

Fivepocket grey with studs

Hi my friends!

Ever since I first saw Sammy's posts with studs on her nails I wanted to do something like that... thanks to BornPretty Store, now I can. They send me some of it for review. Let me show you what I did with it.
Otkad sam prvi put vidjela Sammyne postove s ukrasnim nitnama htjela sam i sama napraviti nešto takvo... zahvaljujući BornPretty Store-u, sad i mogu. Poslali su mi ih na recenziju. Da vam pokažem što sam napravila s njima. 

I really love these studs! They came in a plastic bag with zipper, which is kinda tricky, maybe the plastic jar would be a better idea.
Obožavam ove nitne! Dolaze u plastičnoj vrećici s patentnom, što mi se čini pomalo nezgodno, možda bi plastična teglica bila bolje ideja.

Anyway, you got a tons of it inside, so you can play... and play. You can found it here, and if you're going to buy it (or anything else from BornPretty Store), don't forget to use my code for 10 % off, X10X31. I did this manicure yesterday, and the studs are still on my nails. They look so powerful, and they are more noticeable than rhinestone. I'm always super excited when I found my self something new to play with it . The studs are not flat on the lower side, so you have to put an extra drop of transparent polish to make sure they stay on your nail.
The base polish I used is 'fivepocket grey' from Essence's 'denim wanted!' collection, two coats. Everything sealed with a topcoat. Now I'm a really tough girl .
What do you think of it? Would you wear this kind of manicure? I would, and will again .
Nego, ima ih mala tona u vrećici, pa se možete s njima igrati do mile volje. Naći ćete ih ovdje, a ukoliko ih mislite kupiti (ili bilo što drugo s BornPretty Store stranice), nemojte zaboraviti iskoristiti i kod za 10% popusta X10X31. Jučer sam napravila manikuru, nitne se još drže. Baš mi moćno izgledaju, čine mi se upadljivije nego kristalići. I da, uvijek sam super uzbuđena kad imam novu igračku . Nitne nisu ravne s donje strane pa nije loše staviti kap prozirnog laka (ili nadlaka) ispod njih da stvarno ostanu na noktu. 
Za bazu sam koristila Essenceov 'fivepocket grey' iz 'denim wanted!' kolekcije, dva sloja. Sve i dodatno zapečatila s nadlakom. Sad sam baš opaka .
Što mislite o ovome? Biste nosile ovakvu manikuru? Ja bih, i budem opet .

Till we meet again, be well, be gorgeous... love, Žana

p.s. these were send to me for review
p.s. poslano za recenziju

p.p.s. already 800 of you, thanks you guys, without you this would be meaningless 
p.p.s. već vas je 800, hvala svima, bez vas ovo i ne bi imalo smisla  


  1. baš simpatično! ja bih nosila :)

  2. This mani is awesome.
    So cool!

  3. Those look like a lot of fun! Love seeing the different designs you made with them.

  4. These are some real "bad ass" nails LOL, you are a biker chick Zana LOL
    Nice, very nice!

  5. Prava rockstar manikura,bas bas po mom ukusu:)

  6. Your mani looks so pro!!! Really interesstings these studs, want them too ;D.

    lg Neru

  7. omG ,,ovo je predobro, naravno da bi nosila, stvarno je preeedobro et, et, nezz sta da kazem vise =D =D

  8. Odlicne su. :D Strava izgledaju na noktima. :3

  9. Ohhh! This is so cool! What a "tough" manicure!! ;)

  10. This is a gorgeous color! And I love the studs!!

    1. thanks, i love greys and this one is really something :-D

  11. I love this! Chic but badass :)

  12. Wow!so cool and perfect!love studs and you made it perfectly in this manicure!
    I just found your blog!it's very inspiring!
    I'm a new follower!i'll be glad if you pass by my blog too!

  13. Cool mani!
    P.S. Congrats on 801 :)

  14. bas nekako bad ass izgleda manikura :) a sivac mi je jos uvijek favorit

    1. ma da, živi rock... a sivac je super, i miriše mi na tempere :-D

  15. Coolest mani with studs ever! Love it!

  16. ....

    On nosi jaknu sa nitnama
    i pije pivo bez pjene
    on nosi tugu u ocima
    a voli samo mene


    Jeee,čim čujem nitne,odmah pjevam tu pjesmu.Ovo je stvarno ludilo,e!

    1. da znaš da se i meni motala po glavi... a mogla sam lipo napisat - zakovice ;-D

  17. Baš mi se sviđa manikura, jednostavno ali izgleda baš efektno.

  18. :) dugo nisam bila tud..sad sam sve pogledala i javljam se tu....sviđa mi se ova manikura....izgleda 1000% profesionalno

    1. drago mi je da si opet svratila :-D
      hvala :-D

  19. I love these so much i had to go get some! :) haha they are amazing!

  20. Uuu, fenomenalno, jako mi se svidja!

  21. Znam da bi sve to kod mene otpalo posle prve radne smene, ali bih inace rado probala i to mozda na nekoj tamno sivoj ili crnoj pozadini (inace mi se dopada tvoj bazni lak koji si iskoristila kao pozadinu), a po mom ukusu su posebno nokat na srednjem prstu i nokat na malom prstu :-)

    1. ma ne bi, drže oni... ali moraš prvo probat ;-)

  22. jaoo,ovo mi je odlicno!!narucujem ih cim se vratim s mora! ;))) btw,odlicno stoje na sivom laku! :D

    1. hvala ti :-D
      samo što ti sad nemaš ovako dobar lak ;-)

  23. See how behind I am? Hope you saw my reply to your comment on my blog this am-if not, I called you a HUGE DORK! But you got me to smile and there's nothing wrong with that! Love your studs!

    1. yes, i saw that malicious answer on an innocent comment :-p
      lol, just kiding, i'm so glad i made you smile :-D

  24. Ovo su mi vjerojatno najdraži nokti do sada! Sve sto ima rockerski šik u sebi (i zakovice)..nema boljeg :D idem vidjet taj store, mogle bi se uskoro nać kod mene.

    1. hvala ti :-D
      ideš li u shopping, ne zaboravi 'tajni' kod ;-)

  25. They look super cool~!! You designed with studs really well:D I'd love to wear that! Congratulations for reaching 800 followers~~~xD


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