
Sunday, July 29, 2012

And we have a winner... brand new winner

Sorry girls, I almost forgot about it... but the Rafflecopter said what it need to be said and pick its favorite 
Ups, skoro sam i zaboravila... ali Rafflecopter je rekao što je trebao reći i odabrao svog favorita

Congrats ScarsLikeLace, please send me your address if you want to claim your prize .
Čestitam ScarsLikeLace, pošalji mi adresu ako si još uvijek za nagradu 

Sorry, mistake happens, ScarsLikeLace contacted me, she's from USA... I wouldn't blame her for that in some other circumstances, but it was told in the rules that this giveaway is only for European girls. This whole situation made me sad, I would be the happiest if she can keep the prize . So, we needed another winner, I asked a Rafflecopter again... and this is the result. 

Congrats Lucija!

Žao mi je, greške se događaju, čula sam se sa ScarsLikeLace i doznala da je ona iz Amerike... inaće joj to ne bih zamjerila ali u pravilima sam rekla da je darivanje samo za cure iz Europe. Čitava ova situacija me baš rastužila, žao mi je oduzeti joj nagradu . Ali, trebamo novog pobjednika, pitala sam Refflecopter... i on je rekao svoje. 

Čestitam Lucija!

Well, Lucija didn't answer on my email, so I'm choosing a new winner, found it in one of following posts.
Ni Lucija se nakon četiri dana nije javila, pa ponovo biram dobitnicu, pogledajte u nekom od idućih postova. 


Thank you for time spent with me, I appreciate every single comment :-)
But please refrain from spamming me with links.