
Monday, May 21, 2012

More of fingerprints...

Hi my friends!

If you want to hang out with me today, you'll need a nail polish, acrylic paint, cotton pad, plastic surface and some paper. Why? To try this!
1. Apply nail polish on your nails. Wait until it's dry.
Ako se i danas želite družiti sa mnom, trebat će vam i lak za nokte, akrilna boja, blazinica, nekakav komad plastike i papir. Zašto? Pa da probate ovo!
1. Nanesite lak na nokte. Sačekajte da se osuši.

2. Take some acrylic paint and drop it on some plastic surface, I usually take some old cd, not in this case
2. Uzmite akrilnu boju i kapnite je na nešto plastično, ja obično koristim stare cd-e, ne i danas

3. Dip your finger in it, it's fun 
3. Umočite prst u boju, to je najzabavniji dio 

4. Now you can't see anything... press your finger few times on some paper
4. Sad ništa ne vidite... pritisnite prstom par puta na papir

5. Wait till you see the pattern of your fingerprint more clearly
5. Sačekajte dok uzorak otiska nije sasvim vidljiv

6. Now you're ready to transfer this on your nail!
6. Sad ste spremni prenijeti to i na nokat!

7. Press it firmly...  and take a look what you've done
7. Jako pritisnite... a onda pogledajte što ste napravili

Ok, this is not so great, but with acrylic paints you always have the chance to do it all over again... just wipe your nail with wet cotton pad and you're ready for a new try. Repeat all this on all your nails... if you like 
Ok, ovo baš i nije ispalo najbolje... ali s akrilnim bojicama uvijek imate šansu sve to ponoviti... samo obrišite nokat mokrim komadom vate i spremni ste za novi pokušaj. Ponovite ovo i na drugim noktima... ako imate volje 

Are you gonna try it!? I can hardly wait to see how your fingerprints look like 
Hoćete li probati!? Jedva čekam vidjeti kako vaši otisci izgledaju  

Till the next polishing... love, Žana

p.s. you probably noticed the Born Pretty Store sign in the right corner of this blog. Please use it, with it you'll get 10 % off, anything you buy. Just click on the pic and you're there! Don't forget to write the code in, it's X10X31
p.s. vjerojatno ste primjetili Born Pretty Store značku u desnom uglu bloga. Obavezno je iskoristite ukoliko mislite nešto kupiti kod njih, jer s kodom dobijete 10 % popusta na sve što kupite. Samo kliknite i tamo ste! Ne zaboraviti upisati kod X10X31


  1. Thanks for the tutorial! I definitely want to try this now :D

  2. Hahaha, OK, that's how you did it, now I can lift your fingerprint, transfer it to a false finger and get through your fingerprint-safe-lock-door to the huuuge polish walk-in room you have - look out Zana ;)

    1. lol, the lock doesn't work on fingerprint, but on eye scanner ;-D
      anyway, you have more polishes than me, leave my modest collection alone ;-p

  3. Vrlo zanimljivo, a mislim i da na kraju nije tako komplikovano sve očistiti kao što sam mislila! :-)

  4. aww this looks so much fun!! :)

    1. indeed, you can even include your kids in it ;-D

  5. buduci da ne koristim akrilne morat cu probat s lakom, nisam sigurna da ce ovako dobro uspjet

    1. mislim da će isto bit ok, samo ćeš se malo više zapackat i teže to odstranit ;-D

  6. Ah~!! That's how you did it!! Thank you very much for this wonderful tutorial~;D

  7. Super! Jel bi moglo proći i s lakom, ako nemam akrilnih boja?

    1. može, samo ćeš malo teže očistit prste ;-D

  8. Odala si tajne,puf!Pišem i pamtim,puf-puf!

  9. Super ideja, moram sprobat. A misliš, da bi šlo kar z gostim belim lakom? :D

    1. vjerujem da bi, samo bi bilo prst malo teže očistiti ;-D


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