
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Stash post, part 2

Hi my friends!

Would you like to see the rest of my stash? Here it is.
Želite i ostatak? Evo ga.

graffiti G01 and G07, neon N002, quartz plus 064, supershine 14, supermatte M120

 Golden Rose
paris 311, 209, 207
fashion color 47, graffiti 12, care+strong166, scale effect 08

 Pastel and Gabrini 
Pastel 69 and 74, Gabrini multivitamin 326 and Elegant 375

Woo and Cosmo Shop
Woo 619, 606 and Cosmo Shop 011

 Ingrid and Eveline
Estetic 353, 108G and Eveline colour 183
 Eveline holografic shine
403, 412, 413, 414, 417

 Catherine Arley and E.l.f.
CA 805 and 800, Elf desert haze and mint

 Flash by Vollare cosmetics
numbers long time gone...

 Joy and Smart girls get more
45 and 353, sggm 94

 Deborah and Bourjois
sense tech 08, bleu asphalte and 18

345, 437, 469, 466
464, 500, 468, 453, 330

 Aura and Misslyn
lotus rouge, dr pink, ikona, 703

blue-eyed girl, chunky holo black, red-hot

 chinese brands 

 My frankens

 base and top coats

 essence white crackle, matt top coat, nail foil glue, oil for cuticles 

 Konad stamping polishes

 some nail art thingies 

untried stuff... meanwhile, you saw some of them
lancome 011, chanel shanghai red and black satin, grenat 22, opi yoga-ta get this blue 
franken, gabrini elegant 347, essence sweet as candy, green and blue frankens, essence where is the party, franken

This is it! Is it too much? I don't think so, some of these are going to be rearrange and get new owners, some of these can't be wear on its own... Now I know I don't need to get any polish I see, I'm more picky at what I want. And I still want so many of it! 
To vam je to! Previše? Ne bih rekla, neki od ovih će dobiti nove vlasnike, neki se niti ne mogu nositi samostalno... Sad znam da ne moram imati baš svaki lak koji vidim, izbirljiva sam. Ali još uvijek ih želim tako mnogo!

Till we meet again... love, Žana


  1. Hahaha, your untried stuff of thingies looks like my lot - a lot of nice polishes again today!

  2. uuu divno!
    xoxo Sienna

  3. Lakici su divni,ali mi je zapala za oko ona folija,na slic gdje su nail art stvarcice,skroz desno:)Lici mi na neki ludi zmijski print ili tako nesto:)

  4. Taman ih je! I nekako ti je definisan ukus, mnogo mi se svidjaju frankencici

    1. hvala ti :-D
      prije je kolekcija imala samo tamne boje, sad ima svega, a kako neke lakove nisam sama izabrala - stvarno ima svega ;-D

  5. Take poste je vedno užitek gledati ;D

    1. hvala... hoćemo li ga i kod tebe vidjeti ;-D

  6. *_* predivno! Ja imam valjda u pola manje lakova i svejedno ih ne stignem sve iznositi :P

  7. frankeni su najbolji dio ovog dijela stasha :)

    1. a da, njih sam sama smućkala - moraju bit dobri ;-D

  8. I have to show it to my mum, she always says that I have too many nail polishes :D

    1. lol, i'll be your alibi if you want more polishes ;-D

  9. So many fun colors! And no, it's not too much -- you can never have enough nail polish. I think. Or hope really. :)

  10. Replies
    1. svrati, sigurna sam da bi im ti našla još kakvu primjenu ;-D

  11. Nice, I see a lot polishes I really love!!
    You have a great collection, and I have the same thought but it is hard to so no to a lovely polish hihi :-)

    1. thanks dear, i'll bet your collection is bigger and richer ;-D

  12. Replies
    1. to sam ja vrijedno skupljala i slagala ;-D
      i sve je ok dok ne vidim neku veću... znaš kako je, trava je uvijek zelenija kod susjeda :-D

  13. In your last stash post I thought that you showed all your collection :). I like this part of your collection too :)

  14. Uh, koja kolekcija, moram saznati gdje živiš i da ti sve pokradem! :))

    1. čuvaj prstiće... pofali li koji znam kome ću skočit za vrat ;-D


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