
Monday, January 23, 2012

Some of my blog awards...

Hi my friends!

Well, to tell you the truth, it's been a long time since I've received some of these awards... but, I promise you, I'll show you all of them... just be patient  with me, since I'm such a delicate flower .
The first one is the... 
Iskreno, prošlo je prilično vremena otkako sam dobila neke od ovih nagrada... ali, obećavam, sve ću vam ih pokazati... samo morate biti strpljivi sa mnom, jer sam tako osjetljiv cvjetak .
Prva je... 
Thank you so much, MariaMinnie and zebra-nails, you're all great girls with fabulous blogs, which I gladly recommend 
Hvala puno, MariaMinnie i zebra-nails, sve ste super cure s krasnim blogovima, koje od srca preporučujem 

Here are the rules:
1. Link back person who awarded you
2. Answer award questions
3. Tell us something about yourself you haven't told us in your blog yet?
4. Award as many blogs you think are worthy of this award 
5. Make sure to let those you give this award know you awarded them!
Evo i pravila:
1. linkajte osobu od koje ste dobili nagradu
2. odgovorite na pitanja
3. recite nešto o sebi što nam još niste rekli na blogu
4. nagradite onoliko blogera koliko mislite da zaslužuju ovu nagradu
5. i svakako ih obavijestite da su dobile nagradu

1. What is your go to makeup product / makeup proizvod broj 1
mascara / maskara
2. What was your favorite fashion trend of 2011 / naj trend 2011-e
neon polishes / neonciiiii
3. What is your favorite dessert / omiljeni desert
ice cream / slaaaaaadoled, ali samo voćni
4. Favorite color / najdraža boja
grey / siva
5. What is your middle name / srednje ime   
I don't have it / nemam ja to
6. What was the last song you listened to / posljednja pjesma koju ste slušali
lmfao party rock anthem
7. cats or dogs / mačke ili psi
mmmm... love them both / preteško, obje vrste

Something about myself that you don't know / nešto o tebi što ne znamo 

sometimes I think I'm the most stubborn woman on the face of the earth 
vrlo često mislim da sam najtvrdoglavija žena na planetu 

Now the hardest part... tagging the other bloggers. This one goes to:

IvanaMatejaReaTihana, EnaManuelaLet's polish some nails and Nails from fairy tale  because the're so sweet girls and I never miss to read they's posts, to Raggio di Luna Nails because this girls deserves more attention, her nail art is so good that you'll think she's wearing stickers on her nails. 
Sad i najteži dio... prosljeđivanje nagrade. Ova neka ide:
IvaniMatejiReiTihaniEniManuelaLet's polish some nails i Nails from fairy tale jer su sve super cure i ni jedan post ne propuštam, i Raggio di Luna Nails jer ova cura definitivno zaslužuje više pažnje, njen nail art je tako precizan da ćete sigurno pomisliti da nosi naljepnice. 

This badge came from Mimi (thanks Mimi) and it's made to honor a fellow bloggers for love all  the sparkly things... to me, it's my dear Nina.
Ova je došla od Mimi (hvala Mimi) i napravljena je u počast kolegama blogerima koji love svjetlucave stvarčice... meni je to Nina

And the best award ever... for all the bloggers who don't have word verification... trust me, you don't need it, it doesn't do nothing but slowing down the commentators. This is Ena's contribution to the world, thanks Ena. Hope you'll all take this badge!
I najbolja nagrada ikad... za sve blogere koji ne koriste word verification... vjerujte mi, ne trebate to, ionako ne radi ništa drugo doli usporava komentare. Ovo je Enin doprinos svijetu, hvala ti Ena. Nadam se da ćete svi uzeti ovu značkicu!

Wow, this was exhausting... and still so many awards to do... but, next time. Thanks to all the girls which thought I'm good enough to be awarded, and to all my readers for bearing me 
Uf, ovo je baš bilo iscrpljujuće... a još toliko nagrada... ali, neki drugi put. Hvala svim curama koje su smatrale da sam zaslužila nagradu, i naravno, svim mojim dragim čitateljima što me trpe .

Till we meet again, love, Žana


  1. Replies
    1. ma nema na čemu... nisam ti se stigla ni javit, baš si brza ;-D

  2. I've just gave you the cute blog award :D. I thought you didn't have it, but I see I'm late :)

    1. thank you dear, i'll add your name to list ;-D
      woohooo, someone else think i'm cute :-D

  3. Čuj makeup proizvod broj 1 maskara? :D
    Tu si me baš iznenadila! Hvala na nagradici!

    1. zamisli plavušu bez maskare... nećem da budem boris becker :-p
      nema na čemu, zaslužila si :-D

  4. Hvala za nagrado in hvala da si se spomnila name :)

  5. Congrats :)
    Believe me - I tried to make my blog word verification free, but I simply cannot find where to do it - could you help?
    I have been looking in settings, and would feel it should be in (it's in Danish) but translates to post & comments - well I looked everywhere, but cannot find it in the new interface...

    1. the answer is to long for this form so i'll send you an email instead, hope it'll help and you can claim for this award ;-D

    2. OH Zana, you are a certified online teacher, approved by me LOL
      Thank you for your IMPRESSIVE instructions with photos, I couldn't find my way back to the old interface, but now I can, thanks to you :)
      And I now officially have a word verification free blog - not to get the award, but I have found myself, that is is highly annoying, especially those that both have it + need to approve :)
      Thank you, you are the best :)

  6. Hvala za nagradu :-) Sad brzo pogledaj email koji sam ti poslala i pomozi mi što pre...! :-) I nemoj mnogo da se smeješ! :-)

    1. ma nisam se smijala (ne puno)... samo polako i sve će bit ok ;-D

  7. Hvala za nagradicu :). Ispisacu ovih dana :)

    1. uf, kod mene neke čekaju i mjesecima, pst, nemoj nikom reći ;-D

  8. jedino radi cega su mi ove nagrade super je sto se moze otkrit stvarno super blogova preko njih, ne mogu vjerovat da do sad nisam registrirala raggio di luna :O srecom sad je to ispravljeno :)

    1. e da, kao što rekoh, njen blog zaista vrijedi posjetiti ;-D
      ima super blogova, ali tko ima vremena tražiti ih po bespućima interneta :-(

  9. Nemoj nikom reć, ja uzmem nagradu, zahvalim se al ne pišem više te činjenice :D :stidni:
    Puno hvala i tebi i Zebra nails na nagradi, ova mi je najslađa i dugo sam čekala da me neko označi :) Kad eto obje u isto vrijeme izgleda :)
    I hvala ti, ni ja tvoj vala ni jedan ne propustim :) Nekad malo kasnije stignem prokomentarisati ali uvijek bacim oko cim ugledam :)
    Cestitke na ovoliko nagrada :)

    1. Ispravka, uzmem nagradu, zahvalim se, stavim je na blog ali ne pišem činjenice* :D

    2. hehe, a ja nisam baš ažurna niti zahvaliti na svom blogu, samo je spremim za kasnije :-(


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