
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dancing frogs

Hi my friends!

Today I have a real sensation for you - dancing frogs! They look really incredible, just take a look if you don't believe me.
Danas za vas imam pravu senzaciju - rasplesane žabe! Super izgledaju, samo pogledajte ako već meni ne vjerujete.

The first picture taken last night, under artificial night, the second one this morning, you can already see some tip wear on my middle finger . Last night we had a storm here... I was afraid of the blackout so I turned my computer off. I was in mood for some nail art... than I remembered the frogs that I saw on Rina's blog... thinking they looked something like this.  
Now, about these dancing frogs... believe it or not, they really dance and sing when they think no one isn't looking... I just couldn't catch them with my camera... I was in situation like this poor fellow...
Prva fotka uslikana sinoć, pod umjetnim svjetlom, druga jutros, već se vidi izlizanost na srednjem prstu . Sinoć smo tu imali kraću oluju... bojala sam se nestanka struje pa sam za svaki slučaj izgasila komp. Nešto mi se crtalo pa sam se sjetila Rininih žabaca... mislim da su izgledale nekako ovako.
A sad, što se tiče onih rasplesanih žaba... vjerovali ili ne, one stvarno plešu i pjevaju kad misle da ih nitko ne gleda... samo ih nisam uspjela uhvatiti kamerom... na kraju mi je bilo k'o i ovom jadničku...

So, do you believe me? 

Till the next manicure... love, Žana


  1. LOL, I believe you Zana, maybe you should consider doing a road show, Zana & the dancing frogs ;)

    1. thanks, that means a lot to me ;-D
      maybe... someday you'll see me on the road ;-)

  2. Ooo prekrasne su zabice,super su ti ispale:)Vidjela sam na Rininom blogu nail art za Angry birds i sin e evo danima gnjavi da to napravim :)

    1. haha hvala :-D
      samo napravi, jedva čekam vidit ;-D

  3. This frogs are so cute! :)

  4. Replies
    1. drago mi je da ti se sviđaju moje žabe, hvala ;-D

  5. Naravno da ti vjerujem,preslatke su ;D

  6. Bile one rasplesane ili ne, ove žabe na tvojim noktićima su totalno kul.

  7. Tvoje žabice su super! Pogledala sam i delić crtanog filma koji si zakačila, setila sam se kako sam ga nekada gledala kada sam bila mala, davno je to bilo... :-)
    Da, da, verujem da tvoje žabe pevaju i igraju :-) Kad uspeš da ih snimiš dodaj i taj video u ovaj post! ;-)

  8. haha, awesome mani, awesome post!! :D

  9. hahahaha bas su slatke zabice i samo nek one pjevaju da nije dosadno :)

  10. Hahaha. That is freaking adorable! I love the clip you put at the end, cracked me up. Such a cute mani, though! Omg. They're little froggies! <33

  11. Žabe su preslatke, ideju ću kad tad ukrast :P

  12. hahaha kako su mocne :D. A obozavam taj crtac sa igrajucom zabicom :)

    1. hvala... šteta što nisam mogla ubacit čitavi crtić da se vidi da žabe neće da plešu pred publikom :-(

  13. Hehehe, you do such cute designs!! I just passed an award onto you! I hope you haven't got this one yet;p Please accept it if you get a chance! Hugsxxx

    1. thank you dear... for the award too, i must make a huge post about my awards, shame on me ;-)

  14. Replies
    1. nije baš kermit, jednog dana možda i on dođe na red... ako se sjetim ;-D

  15. Hahaha! I love that old singing frog cartoon! Such a classic! Your Mani is awesome!

  16. These just made me really happy -- love your little froggies!!!


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