
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Purple love

Hi my friends!

Here's new me, with new glasses, finally, I feel like there's whole new world out there waiting for me . So I treated my nails with this amazing polish, which has been waiting for a few months, ever since lovely Oje send it to me. And to let beauty like this waiting so long... bloody shame, if you ask me .    
My ladies, here is Flormar 'Supershine 14'!

First two pictures taken in the shade, last one in the sun.
It takes two coats, it dries pretty good, but with tc on, sorry girls, just my habit. Love the color, love this tiny shimmer in it... this is really gorgeous polish. The only thing that bothers me is - why did I wait so long to wear it?
What say you - beauty or not?

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love ya, Žana


  1. Flormar is amazing!! I love these polishes. each time I go back to my home country I buy like 20. They are not expensive and ok quality

  2. Naravnost čudovit je =).
    Vidim, da očala čudovito služijo =)

  3. Više mi se svidja u hladu i u bočici, nego na noktima...

  4. ne vidim cemu cekanje, ovakvu ljepotu si trebala odma isprobat i pokazat :)

  5. Obozavam FlorMar :). A ovaj lak mi je bas lep, i na slici me podseca jako na Golden Rose 312.

  6. Super, da nas zopet dobro vidiš ;)

    Lak je prečudovit! Res ne vem, kaj si tako dolgo čakala :)

  7. prekrasan je1 Ajde nek i ti vidiš :D

  8. stvarno je mnogo lep lak, jedan od mojih omiljenih, sad si me podsetila na njega, mogla bih opet uskoro da ga namazem

  9. Šta bi za posao?

    Ovo super izgleda, I'm a sucker for purple :)

  10. Une Ruxi a Paris... we don't have flormar here and that's its biggest flaw, otherwise, they're not bad at all :-D

    colofrulbottle... hahaha, hvala, konačno se dočepala vida ;-D

    Sandra... thanks dear :-D

    Irena... ma i na noktima je super, samo što ga je teško uhvatiti ;-)

    Biljana... hvala draga :-D

  11. Nemo Latte... of mine too ;-D

    Lendoxia... pa kažem i ja :-(

    Nails From Fairy Tale... meni bi flormar bio još draži da mogu lakše doći do njega ;-D

    Ivana... e, evo se čak i tebi mora svidit ;-D

    imfeelingnail-venturous... thank you dear :-D

  12. Biba... hahaha, hvala :-D
    me ne znam ni ja šta mi bi :-(

    Violet Fairy... hvala draga :-D

    hermetic... nemoj ga sakrivat, k'o šta sam ja to napravila ;-)

    Nina... hvala ljube :-D

    Biberlee... ništa :-p
    me too, me too :-D

  13. Hooray new glasses! And yowza that polish, I'm in love

  14. Nail Nerd... woohooo
    thanks dear :-D

  15. Sta ce ti naocale? Da ti bolje nokte vidim :D
    Flormar je ljepotan pravi :)

  16. Imam isti lak i jos ga nikad nisam upotrijebila o_O Super izgleda! :)

  17. Let's polish some nails... ahahaha, samo se ti rugaj :-p

    Maki... i kod mene je dugo čekao, ali šteta ga je ne prošetat ;-D

  18. Ines... hvala draga... nije da se ne slažem s tobom ;-)

  19. Pozdrav :)
    Ja sam zaludjena ljubicastim lakovima, ovaj je zaista prelep <3

  20. Aurora... još jedna znači, dobrodošla u klub ;-)
    hvala ti :-D


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