
Monday, August 15, 2011


Hi my friends!

Today I have a real treat for you.
This is Kleancolor 'red-hot', multidimensional red glitter, one coat over Essence 'berlin story' (plain black polish)... in the sun.

 Next few pictures in the shade...

I really think that these pictures don't need any additional explanation. It looks great, it's my kind of polish, I love it... but to tell you the true, I like the blue version better... don't ask me why.

What do you think, which would you rather wear? 
Should I continue with more black awesomeness? 

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!


  1. Aj, moram dobiti kakšen KleanColor lak!

  2. Prekrasni su mi obadva,plavi malo vise,samo mi fali jos barem jedan sloj sljokica,ne moras stalno stediti :p

  3. istina, plava je ljepsa,ali ovo bi jos genijalnije izgledalo da na crnu bazu stavis neki sitniji crveni glitter, pa onda ovo preko, uf uf :D

  4. Meni su oba super, jel' ovo sa Beauty Jointa?

  5. Meni je ovakav lak odličan awww :D

  6. Biba... počasti se ;-D

    Nina... pošto su ovi glitteri obilato veliki meni se čini da je ovo sasvim dovoljno... eto sad sam još i škrtica ;-p

    Lendoxia... već sam gledala kako bih još nešto ubacila u ovoga lol

    Biberlee... je draga, kod njih sam uzela :-)

    MauMau... hvala :-D

    Rea... idem se sad malo pravit važna ;-)

  7. wow amazing! REminds me of blood!

    Predobro izgleda, totalno me asocira na krv, tj. nesto idealno za halloween

  8. I love this! I must have this nail polish!

  9. Mrak izgleda, ali i meni je plavi ipak draži. ;)

  10. This reminds me of the glitter in one of the new WNW polishes in the Halloween collection!

  11. amazing =D i made a similar red glitter franken some time ago. it looks so beautiful with matte top coat, you should try =D

  12. Perfect title! Looks so great! :)

  13. Oh my goodness that's lovely! I've not seen that glitter before but it's absolutely gorgeous, great combo.

  14. I was forgot thisone with my order..
    I try soon to put my colors in a post :-)

    But thisone looks nice!

  15. Super je. Meni izgleda kot ogenj. Tudi jaz moram dobiti kak Kleancolor lak.

  16. Ovo izgleda odlično! Što više po blogovima gledam te lakove, sve više ih želim (a znam da ne mogu imati, šmrc)!

  17. Skoraj je ni bolj popolne kombinacije od tele( prekaša jo edino modri kleancolor glitter =).
    Res prekrasno!
    In seveda bomo vse vesele, če pokažeš še kakšno črno kombinacijo <3 =)

  18. Wow! These are super sexyyy~XD I normally don't wear lack, but I love this combo very much!! I think I like both blue ver. and this red ver., I'm greedy;p

  19. Woah that is so pretty! Perfect for X-Mas as well :D

  20. CopyCat... hihihi

    Jossie... a bit ;-)

    zakrecna... thanks :-D

    Lalica... eto da se i naši ukusi jednom poklope ;-D

    Amber... yes, i saw it :-D

  21. Nemo Latte... glitters looks crazy with matte ;-D

    Sandra... thanks :-D

    Nail Nerd... thank you :-D

    Shirley... well, maybe in next order ;-)

    Taya... hvala, trči i ti u potragu za kleancolorom ;-)

    Just me and Hohner... i meni je nekako tako (a zašto ih ne možeš imati?) :-(

  22. colofrulbottle... hihi, hvala draga... bude još crnjaka ;-D

    Minnie... no, you're not... maybe just an addict like we all ;-D

    Violet Fairy... hvala ti :-D

    Olivia... thanks for the idea ;-)

  23. Meni super izgleda! :) Dođi kod mene da mi malo lakiraš notkiće :)

  24. Marina... hvala... evo me s idućim busom ;-D

    In love with fashio... drago mi je da ti se tako sviđa :-D

  25. ooooooooo sparkleeeeeeees:) na prvi sliki se je vidjelo kao da, je crveno srce:P haha baš cute :)

  26. Paulina... thanks :-D

    Pink_Diamond... lol, kad sunce lupne u njega izgleda baš kao da gori ;-D

  27. Predobar! :-))) Gdje nalaziš Kleancolore? Ja sam ih jedino našla na Ebayu za 15$ + još toliki shipping... ;(

  28. Blu11... hvala draga :-D
    ne budi luda, odi u beauty joint ;-)


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