
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Black lace

Hi my darlings!

Iskreno, s ovom manikurom baš i nisam presretna... ali isto ću vam je pokazati. Greška je samo moja, trebala sam upotrijebiti čisto bijeli lak umjesto ovog kojeg sam upotrijebila... ali sad nemam ni volje ni vremena da ovo odradim ponovno. I tako, evo moje neuspjele manikure.
To tell you the truth, I'm not quite happy with today's manicure... but I'm gonna show it to you anyway. It's totally my fault, I should have used a real white polish instead of what I've used... but now I have no time to do it all over again. So, here is my fail mani.

Uzorak je folija imena 'crna čipka', i izgledao bi puuuuuno bolje na bijelom lako... ali ponavljam se. Baza je S-he '440', nježan mliječno bijeli lak sa shimmerom. Dodala sam i crni french jer je lak dosta proziran a meni se ne gleda linija nokta.
Što mislite, može li ovo ipak proći?  
This pathern is 'black lace' foil on unappropriate base, it would look much better with white polish... but I'm repeating myself. The base is S-he '440'gentle milky polish with shimmer. I added funky french because the base is pretty sheer and I didn't want to see the nail line. 
What do you think, can this pass?

Obećala sam vam pokazati Afroditin odstranjivač zanoktica u gelu. Na noktima stvarno izgleda bljaks... pa ću vam radije pokazati pakiranje.
I promised you the other day to show you cuticle remover by Afrodita. On nails it look disgusting... so I'll show you the package instead.
A ovako djeluje...
And this is how it works...
Na uputama stoji:
"1. pomoću tuljca nanesite odstranjivač u gelu na kožicu oko noktiju,
2. nakon približno 2 minute djelovanja priloženim štapićem kružite oko korjena nokta potiskujući kožicu.
VAŽNO: ruke obavezno isperite tekućom vodom i iščetkajte nokte!"
I to je to! Napravim ovo jednom tjedno, i čini mi se da pomaže. Sve možete vidjeti moje zanoktice, do nedavno sam ih rezala... znam, znam, to se ne smije, ali prestala sam s tim. Vidite, ipak se popravljam. Naravno, ovo ništa ne vrijedi bez trackanja zanoktica kremicama i uljem, naročito nakon upotrebe acetona. A ako ste sretnica i nemate pojma šta je to suha koža - svaka čast!
Instructions says:
"1. apply the gel remover on the finger nail skin with the spout,
2. after approximately 2 minutes, circulate around the root of the nail with the stick enclosed, pressing the finger nail skin back.
ATTENTION: always rinse your hands under running water and brush the nails!"
Simple as that! I do that once a week, and it seems to helps. You all can see my cuticles, I used to cut them, I know, I know, you shouldn't do that, but I'm not doing that anymore. See, I'm getting better. But, all of this doesn't mean anything without lot of cream and oil, especially after use of acetone. And if you're lucky enough and don't know what is dry skin - good for you!

Till we meet again, love yourself!


  1. Ma danas sve žuvo prolazi pa moe i tvoja manikura, hehe.. Ma šalim se, šta ja znam, meni se sviđa, samo što bi ja još šljokica dodala, kad sam potpuni ovisnik o njima, ah, šta ćeš.. :D

  2. I think it's really pretty, even with a milky-white base.

  3. I think it's nice--maybe not what you were picturing in your head but certainly nothing to hide. :)

  4. Ma naravno da može proći, baš je fora! Sviđa mi se kombinacija tog s-heja s crnim, bilo bi preobično s bijelim :)

  5. Hmmm~? I don't see any problem with your mani though:) I like light pink and black combo very much! Are you going to do the white base ver too?? I think you did a great job;p

  6. meni je mani mrak! bolje nego bijelo

  7. Ja isto ne vidim u cemu je problem,manikura je super!!!

  8. Shirley... thanks dear, that's nice of you :-D

    Rea... ma nemam ja niša protiv šljokica ali nekako ih ne vidim na ovoj manikuri... i da, jesi ovisnica ;-D

    Sandra... thanks dear :-D

    Karen... if you say so ;-D

    Just me and Hohner... ma odradit ću i to jednom, mislim da će bit puno bolje :-D

  9. Minnie... thanks, you're so nice :-D

    Maybe... hvala draga :-D

    Toesthattwinkle... thanks :-D

    Nina... hvala draga :-D

  10. That is really pretty! I like it a lot! :-)

  11. This is beautiful, I love this design! :)

  12. SM... thanks dear :-D

    Pink_Diamond... hvala draga :-D

    Iza... thanks dear :-D

    Diana... thanks dear :-D

  13. O D U Š E V LJ E N A!
    Ovaj ažfroditin gel koristim, divan je i učinkovit! :)

  14. Fashion Disorder... hvala :-D
    drago mi je da još nekom pomogne ;-)

  15. joj ne volim čipku pa mi ni ovo nije baš. ali dakako, bolje bi na bijelom bilo

  16. nails be beautiful... ma nisam ni ja baš prezadovoljna :-(

  17. Sta ti ja znam, mozda bi bolje izgledalo na bijeloj podlozi a mozda mu je i ova dobra, meni je sasvim fino i ovako :)


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