
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Surprise!... updated... and closed

Hi my dears!

Čekala sam 333 sljedbenika... ali sad vas je i više... čekala 30.000 posjeta... i to je prošlo... i sad mi nema druge nego vas počastit' i darovat
Ovako vam želim pokazati svoju zahvalnost što ste me trpili proteklih par mjeseci... ali se isto nadam da ćete barem još toliko ostati uz mene
Da vam pokažem što bi mogli dobiti!?
I was waiting for 333 followers... but now there's more of you... I was waiting for 30.00 visits... but that was some time ago... and now I have no other option but to throw a giveaway
This is just to show you my appreciation and gratitude for bearing with me for past few months... but I hope you'll stay with me for at least this long
Oh, you wanna know what you're gonna get!?
Let' s see!
 S-he 384 (looks like dupe of color club 'electronica'),  s-he 224 and s-he 464
 holografic shine by eveline cosmetics: 407, 401, 404 and 408
... i još jedna sitnica... koja je na žalost još na putu...
... and one more thing... which is still on its way...
...koja je napokon jutros stigla, a to je... dobit ćete i 2 transferne folije, s ljepilom, naravno
...which is finally arrived this morning, so here it is... you're gonna get 2 transfer foils, with glue, of course 
Folije su 'holographic silver stars' i 'transparent black lace', svaka duga 0,5 metara (nešto novo, prije su bile metar i pol, ali ipak dovoljno da odradite par manikura)
Foils are 'holographic silver stars' and 'transparent black lace', about half of meter long (I know, they just to be 3 times longer , but this is enough for a few manicures)  
Sve je apsolutno novo i kupljeno mojim novcem!  
All brand new and purchased by me!  
Idemo sad na pravila... a ona su jednostavna:
1. morate biti 'sljedbenik', ostavite ime pod kojim me slijedite i email adresu
... i, to je to!
Ispunite obrazac, pošaljite ga i sačekajte izvlačenje!
Darivanje je međunarodno, a sretnica (ili sretnik) će biti izvučeni uz pomoć 14.7.2011.
Now, on the rules... these are the simple ones:
1. you must be follower, so leave you gfc name and email address
... and, that's it!
Just fill out the form below, submit, and wait for announcement!
The giveaway is open internationally, the lucky winner will be choose by  on 14Th of July 2011.

Sretno svima!
Good luck to all of you!


  1. Kako bih voljela da imam sreće na ovom čudu, zbog ovih Evelinčića )
    Tvoji giveaways su baš fini :)

  2. Congrats and thanks for this giveaway...! ;-)

  3. Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway :)

  4. uuu, nemam ni jedan holo lak i baš sam se razveselila nagradnoj igri kad sam vidla.. super si, nail crazy! :-)

  5. Biberlee... ma fina sam od glave do pete ;-)

    Angeles... thanks :-D

    Sandra... thanks :-D

    Enči... hvala draga :-D

  6. Thanks for the giveaway! Hope my entry went through--Google seemed to think about it for quite some time ... maybe it was checking my spreadsheet to make sure I didn't have these colors already. :)

  7. Giveaway izgleda super. Holoti še posebej.

    Čestitam za veliko število obiskov in follower-je :)

  8. lijepo iznenađenje, ja sam ispunila formular, ak treba još kaji, javi :D

  9. Ja bi ove holićeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Wooohoooo! Good luck svi!
    I pridružujem se svima koji žele holo-iće! :D

  11. Čestitke na super brojkama :) odlični pokloni za giveaway :*

  12. KarenD... i'm sorry for this problem, google is naughty again, redo your enter please :-)

    hvala cure, vidim da sve volite holiće ;-D

  13. i can not fill your form for the giveaway, i dont know whats the problem. but i actually want to enter and win these beauties =D

  14. uuu:) ovi holići su super:) .....

  15. Nemo Latte... i really don't know what is the problem, it works just fine - to me... maybe you can try later, sorry for the inconvenient :-(

    Pink_Diamond... hvala :-D

  16. oooo, baš bi bilo lijepo osvojiti ove lakiće...

  17. Thanks for letting me know my first try didn't go through--I think it's okay the second time!

  18. Eto, prijavila se jesam, sad te dalje čitam, a tebi sve najbolje u tvom radu i čestitke na toliko sljedbenika i posjeta! :))

  19. hvala cure :-D

    KarenD... no problem, now you're in :-D

  20. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! <3

  21. Me again. :) I tagged you with an award, hope it's okay to leave the link here:

  22. Olivia... you're welcome ;-)

    KarenD... oh thanks dear, but you didn't need to leave the link, i'm reading your blog on a regular basis ;-)

  23. Great giveaway, and great blog, thanks :)

  24. Participating!

    Giveaway - CoRacaO BaKaNnA

  25. Hi,

    I have already tried several times and with several browsers but the form just doesn't work. The enter button doesn't appear so I can not submit it.

    My GFC is Ruth and my email address is

    Can you enter it for me or let me know what I should do please?


  26. Lovely giveaway!

  27. Thank you for the giveaway!
    Super je!

  28. Fine nagrade :) Cestitam Biberlee i ovdje :) I tebi cestitam na broju posjeta i followersa :)


Thank you for time spent with me, I appreciate every single comment :-)
But please refrain from spamming me with links.