
Thursday, June 23, 2011

He said 'fall for me'... I fell!

Hi my darlings!

Vruće je, ljeto je tu. Iskreno, baš i ne volim ljeto, ne volim vrućinu, mrzim znoj... bolje da umuknem i pričekam do jeseni ili zime.
Sve mi je teže izabrati lak... mislim da imam previše lakova... ali što ih više imam, to ih više želim! Ma sve znate o čemu govorim
Nego, danas sam se odlučila za nešto slatko i nježno, svježe i čisto. Lak je 'fall for me' od Essencea. I pala sam! Lak je malo gušći, ali super pokriva u 2 sloja, suši se malo sporije, ali brzosušeći nadlak sredi stvar. Boja je upravo savršena za ovo doba godine, osjećam se mlađa s ovim na noktima
Ali, nisam ga mogla ostaviti samog, dodala sam malo pečata, pločica je fauxnad B04 a za lak sam uzela 'nothing else metals' opet iz Essencea, iz metallics kolekcije. Bla, bla, bla... ma samo pogledajte slike.

It's hot, summer is here. To tell you the truth, I don't love summer, I don't like it hot, I hate the sweat... I'll shut up and just wait till fall or winter.
It's getting harder to choose polish for some manicure... I think I have to many polishes... but more I have them, more I want them! I think you all know what I'm talking about
Anyway, today I decided for something sweet and gentle, fresh and clean. The polish is 'fall for me' by Essence. And I've fallen! The polish is a bit thick, but covers perfect in 2 coats, it dries something slower, but if you use speed dry top coat it just fine. The color itself is perfect for this time of year, I feel younger just by wearing it.
But I couldn't leave it alone, I added some fauxnad, it's from plate B04 and I used 'nothing else metals' from Essence metallics collection for stamping. Blah, blah, blah... just take a look

Pretpostavljam da se nitko neće usuditi reći išta loše o ovoj boji .Hajde, da ćujem kako ga hvalite!
Well, I guess no one will dare to say anything bad about this color . Come on, let's hear your praise!

Till we meet again, love yourself!

p.s. if you don't like the polish, feel free to say so, I won't bite you


  1. predivno! i lak i konad i zanoktice :-)
    nemam druge riječi! idem sutra po njega!

  2. sve pet, baš ti hvala :-D
    a stvarno sam se zaljubila ;-)

  3. Z mano je popolnoma enako - vedno težje mi je izbrati, katero barvo bi nosila. Gledam in premišljujem, pa grem stran. In spet ponovno gledam... Oh, problemi :P

  4. super boja za ljeto, ja mu se zasad sustavno odupirem jer imam vec par slicnih boja

  5. U nailed it, very clean and summery. 100% agree with you on hating summer, I live in Puerto Rico were it is always summer and I totally hate that we do not feel the impact of the seasons like winter, spring and fall, especially winter, argh. I hate the heat, humidity and the sweat.

  6. boja je stvarno divna! totalno morska i super, i *-*

  7. Ružno ti je to sve :)))
    I ja ću bogme po njega :)

  8. E pa sutra baš krenula u oveći shopping, pa ću ga baš kupiti! A i ta boja je popularna, a ja ju jedina nemam očito :(

    Sviđa mi se dizajn na nokticima :)

    xo - da li ti se sviđaju cipelice koje sam kupila?

  9. I da mi se ne sviđa,ne smijem reći :PPP
    Ali na sreću,baš mi je lijep,a na pečatu ti zavidim,ja ga ne znam napraviti da me ubiješ ;(((

  10. I love this colour very much!! The design is very fresh and clean;D

  11. I really love this colour and I have it myself but it is so thick that I wasn't able to apply it! Did you use small coats or how did you do that? I'd love to save the bottle because the colour is really lovely!

  12. jao, meni je boja prelepa ali mi je on bio takva katastrofa za nanosenje pre svega zbog cetkice, da sam rekla sebi - nista vise od Essence-a. A onda sam naravno kupila jos nekoliko lakova ;) Svidja mi je sto je bas hladno plavog tona i lepo pokriva, nisam jos imala takvu boju

  13. hvala cure na lijepim komentarima :-D

    thanks girls for all your lovely words :-)
    Jossie... thanks for warning me, now i don't wanna move to puerto rico, it's worst than here in dalmatia ;-)

    Simona... i don't know, maybe it was just my luck ;-)
    the polish was a bit thicker than the others but it wasn't too thick... maybe you should try to put some thinner in it :-)

  14. love this shade!!!

  15. I am not a huge fan of summer, either. Thank goodness for air conditioning!

  16. thanks girls :-D
    KarenD... oh, it's the best invention ever ;-D

  17. Pretty design. I like it!


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