
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lalica, you were right ;-)

Hi my dears!

Just a quick post to show you yesterday's mani again, but this time I added one more coat of circus confetti... because Lalica said I'm cheap and should not save my glitters :-p
I admit, it looks so much better with 2 coats, enjoy it girls!
Samo na brzinu da ubacim novu sliku, dodala sam novi sloj 'circus confetti' na jučerašnju manikuru... zato jer mi je Lalica rekla da sam škrta i da ne smijem štedjeti glittere :-p
Moram priznati, ovo izgleda puuuuuuno bolje s dva sloja, uživajte cure!

I'm definitely in love :-D
Ovo je stvarno za zaljubit' se :-D

Till we meet again, respect yourself!


  1. oh još bolje definitivno! Ja također inače stavim po dva sloja, jer mi dobije još jači i bolji efekt, premda je i sa jednim slojem vrlo efektno. Ponavljam se: Odlična kombinacija!

  2. Lovely I gave my circus confetti away should buy a new one, because I never used it, but it looks soooo happy :D

  3. Cute.
    I don't know why, but the glitter kinda reminds me circus. :D

  4. Eto vidiš da ne smiješ biti škrta :P

  5. I LOVE the extra coat! What a big difference

  6. Violet Fairy... hvala, ma da - duplo glittera - duplo bolja manikura ;-)

    LittleBitColor... thanks dear :-D

    -Diana-... too bad, you should have this one :-)

    Biberlee... ne gladuj, počasti se :-p

    Sandra... maybe that's why the name is 'circus confetti' ;-)

    Nina... neću nikad više ;-)

    Toesthattwinkle... it is indeed :-D

  7. Dopao mi se i onako s manje glittera ali ovako mi je bas WoooW :))ma ne mogu ja da sakrijem osmijeh i odusevljenje kad vidim dobar glitter:)

  8. I meni je ovako jos bolje :))
    Bravo Lalo za ideju :)

  9. totalni cirkus... konfeti... pozornica... haluciniram :D jako mi se sviđa ;-))

  10. Oje Delisi... thanks dear :-D

    Jane... indeed :-D

    Mimi... ma je, ima nešto u tim glitteima ;-)

    CopyCat... istina živa ;-)

    Let's polish... šta ti je prava ideja ;-)

    Marina... baš tako, konfeti su ludnica :-D

  11. The glitter is great, and I heard a rumor we will get it here in the States when Ulta expands their Essence selection. But I really like the blue, and I don't think we're getting that one. I will just have to be content with Orly La Playa, my favorite blue creme.

  12. KarenD... i'm glad you have essence in usa, they're really good polishes for small price :-D
    this blue is from limited collection, i think it's rather similar to 'just rock it' from color & go... at least it look so on the pictures ;-)

  13. Evo novog sljedbenika. Zahvaljujuci BeautyAddict. :P
    Obozavam kombinaciju super nijanse i glittera. A Circus C. je moj ultimate all time favorite ! Fantasticno izgleda na apsolutno svim lakovima kao topper. :D

  14. TheChloee... pa dobro došla ;-)
    drago mi je da ti se moja manikurica sviđa :-D

  15. Is it wet and wild in party of five? if not, that's exactly what it looks like and i paid $2 CAD

  16. More confetti to the people!!!!

  17. kod glittera uvijek imam na umu : " o bože ko će ovo poslije skidat??!" ali izgleda fantastično , bez obzira

  18. this is lovely!!great blog :) im your new follower i'd love if you follow me back

  19. Really gorgeous! I'll grab this top coat next time!

  20. i walked past this polish acouple times already and next time i will pink it up for sure!! extra coat does make a different! very gorgous!

  21. Hej draga,dođi kod mene po nagradu :DD

  22. hvala cure na lijepim riječima, drago mi je da vam se lakić sviđa ;-)

    thanks girls for your kind words :-)

    nails be beautiful... joj, poludit ću s tobom - namoči vaticu u aceton, pokrij nokat i zamotaj alufolijom, za 5 minuta skini i nokat će biti čist k'o suza ;-)

  23. Ne znam kako sam preskočila ovaj post... vidiš kako bolje izgleda. Ne štedit na šljokama, njih nikad ne možeš previše stavit. ;)

  24. LOL @ what Lalica said. It looks great!

  25. Lalica... a stvarno, baš si njega preskočila ;-)

    heartNAT... thanks :-D


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