
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kreativ blogger award

Hi girls!


I would like to thank to OliviaNatalie and Manicured Monkey for giving me this award :-D
Here's what you'll have to do:
Write 10 facts about yourself
Pass the award to 10 bloggers and tell them about the award.
Here's my 10 facts:

1. If i'll have to choose just one thing I can't live without that would be music... what ever I'm doing, where ever I am, I'm always listening some music
2. I never leave house without mp3 player in my pocket and headset ;-)
3. I'm wearing black... almost always, i love, love, love black clothes
4. I love rings and earings, the bigger - the better ;-)
5. I hate high heels, I do wear them sometimes, but I don't like it :-(
6. I hate movies about animals, they make me cry, I can't watch animals be hurt :-(
7. I don't like weddings, I almost skipped mine ;-)
8. Last cd I bought was from Adele, i adore her
9. Last movie I watched was... eclipse from twilight saga, I had some troubles sleeping last night so I watch it... again... kill me, I can hardly wait for folow-up
10. My friends won't let me play with their nails :-(
I give this award to...
... these are all bloggers I love and cherish, they don't write in english but that's not the reason to skip them ;-)
Till we meet again, have fun!


  1. such great facts! I love that there are many blogs that are not in english, there's tools available to translate the pages and there's always pictures to look at :) congrats!!!

  2. thanks dear, i'm glad you find my blog interesting enough to give me this award :-D

  3. Manicured Monkey - Hahaha, I have tried Google translate on my blog just now for fun and I LMAO-ed. I think I'd start writing at least some input for foreigners but I doubt they visit me very often :)
    Žana, thanks a lot for the award :)
    I find your fact no.7 very interesting :DDD

  4. Biberlee... a šta ćeš, ima nas svakakvih ;-)

  5. Jel se to meni čini ili si prestala sa hrvatskim jezikom , ako jesi lijepo te mloim za nas ne baš engleze da vratiš na hrvatski jel google translate ima ozbiljnih problema. :)

  6. hvala :* a bit cu i ja jednom na engleskom valjda treba se samo odlucit na to :)

  7. congrats you definitely deserve this award!

  8. Hvala ti draga,baš si me razveselila :***

  9. Eto nisam jedina koja ne voli vjencanja:D Zasluzila si nagradu draga:**

  10. Andrea_djk... ne brini draga, ovo si samo skratim post kad mi se žuri i nemam previše vremena, i dalje nastavljam dvojezično ;-)

    Lendoxia... ma da, može i ovako i onako ;-)

    Toesthattwinkle!... thanks dear for thinking that :-D

    Nina... ma nema na čemu, neka nagrada ;-)

    Biba... hvala draga :-D

    Mimi... hvala draga, eto meni istomišljenika ;-)

  11. eto cure, da vam ne bude dosadno dok čekate da se lak osuši ;-)

  12. Najlepše čestitke na nagradi :))),
    i hvala što sam se našla na tvom spisku :D!

  13. hvala draga Lenka :-)
    ma nema na čemu, ako je itko zaslužio nagradu za kreativnost to si ti :-D


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