
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Subtle mani

Hi girls!

Evo je i vikend na izmaku, nadam se da je bio ugodan i da ste napunile baterije :-) Nakon dva dana zelenjave na noktima odlučila sam se za nešto jednostavnije i neupadljivije...
The weekend is at the end, I hope it was enjoyable and that you have recharged the batteries :-) After two days of green nails, I decided to do something simpler and unobtrusively.

Za manikuru sam koristila; lak 'sina' # 088 (nikad čula za ovu marku, kinezić), essence 'steel me' za pečatiranje i konad pločicu m70.
For this mani I used nail polish 'sina' # 088 (never heard of this brand, chinese), essence 'steel me' for stamping and konad image plate m70.

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...


  1. Nice mani :) These essence metallics seem to be very good for stamping.. Have you tried to stamp with other polishes of this series? :)

  2. ritterbraten... thanks :-) this is my first stamping with metallics polishes, but i've heard from girls that they are great for stamping... maybe next time some of them will come to turn

  3. Odlično!!!!
    I kožica sve bolje izgleda ;)

  4. Lalica... ahahaha... čekaj, čekaj, nije još vrijeme za rezanje ;-)

  5. The metallic collection seems good for stamping! :D Nice art!

  6. Maybe... ako ti tako kažeš :-D

    Kelly... thanks, metallic polishes are good for stamping, no doubt about it :-)

    dl.blogspot... thanks :-)

  7. nisam bas ljubitelj ove bazne boje, ali mi se svidja krajnji rezultat

  8. lendoxia... e, sad bih i ja tako rekla, na prvi pogled mi se ova boja činila interesantnija nego što je :-)

  9. Slažem se, nisam baš ljubitelj ove bazne boje, ali je krajnji rezultat spektakularan! :-) Evo, ovo je jedna od tvojih manikura koje bi definitivno stavila u top-ten manikure u 2011. godini...! (a tek sam pregledala januar i februar..)

    1. boja na koncu izgleda ljepše u bočici nego na noktima, ali neka je, ne mora svaka manikura biti savršena ;-D


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