
Monday, February 28, 2011

Updated manicure

Hi girls!

Ovo može biti i bez objašnjenja... ali eto, drugi lakec koji je manikuri popravio prosjek je naravno china glaze 'emerald sparkle' - najbolji zeleni lak ikad :-)
This one can do without explanation... but, the second polish which improved this mani is china glaze 'emerald sparkle' - the best green ever :-)

Manikura je bez top coata, tako da ovo malo izlizanih vrhova nećemo previše zamjeriti :-p
Ovako puno bolje izgleda, jel' da?
This mani is without a top coat, so we don't mind this little tipwear :-)
This look much better, right?

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday, bloody sunday...

Hi girls!

Imate li i vi problema s nedjeljom? Ja imam, ne smeta mi ni ponedjeljak, ni utorak, ni srijeda ni četvrtak, obožavam petak i sutobu... ali nedjelje... ne slažemo se i gotovo :-(
Svejedno... jučer sam bila do dm-a i počastila se s 4 s-he laka :-D
Do you have a problem with sundays? I don't mind monday or tuesday, or wednsday or thursday, I adore friday and saturday... but sunday... we just don't get along :-(
Anyway... yesterday I was in dm (our local drugstore) and treated myself with 4 of s-he polishes :-D

Znate da izlaze iz asortimana pa požurite i počastite se kojom bočicom. Jedini problem s ovim lakovima je... stvarno me ne privlače onako u bočicama... lak me zainteresira tek onda kad ga vidim na nečijim noktima ili blogu. Zato što neki od njih u bočici ne izgledaju ni približno zanimljivo kao na noktima ili fotkama... dešava li se i vama to?
Sinoć, odnosno jutros oko 1 sam isprobala prvi od njih... dragi me samo pogledao i rekao: al' ćeš sad lakirat nokte?... a nego! Ima jako interesanto i maštovito ime... 469... ah, kako to zvuči i odzvanja u ušima :-/
You know that these are going down the drain, so hurry up and treat yourself with a few bottles. The only problem with these polishes is... I'm not really attracted to the way they look in bottles... it interests me only when I see it on third-nails or blog. Because some of them in the bottle does not look nearly as interesting as on the nails or the photos... does this happens to u 2?
Last night, or around 1 in the morning I tried the first of them... hubby just looked at me and said: 'now you're gonna paint your nails?'... you bet! This one has very interesant and imaginative name... 469... oh, how lovely it sounds and echoes in my ears :-/

Jel' ovaj lak frost ili metalik? Kakva enigma...
U trgovini mi se desilo i da su mi pukla dva nokta :-( Ah, tako je to kad se grebete oko lakova :-p
I obavezno moram zahvaliti Lalici što me natjerala da više ne režem zanoktice, čak se i meni čini da mi nokti ovako izgledaju sasvim ok :-)
Budite mi lijepe, zgodne i pametne!
Is this polish frost or metallic finish? What an enigma...
I also broke 2 nails yesterday :-( This is what happens when you scratch with other girls for polishes :-p
I must thank to Lalica for made me not to cut the cuticles, it seems to me that my nails look quite ok now :-)
Stay nice, pretty and smart!

Until the next polishing, enjoy yoursef...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Starburst blue

Hi girls!

Evo mene opet :-) Danas za vas imam jednu poslasticu - meni je ovo prvi susret s transfernom folijom za nokte i... joj, ovo je ludilo :-D Ok, za prvi put rezultat nije baš savršen, stalno vam objašnjavam kako doista imam problema sa strpljenjem, ali drugi put će sigurno biti bolje ;-)
Here's me again :-) Today I've got a treat for you - this is my first encounter with the transfer nail foil and... this is madness :-D Ok, for the first time the result is not perfect, I'm always explaining how I really have a problem with patience, but next time will certainly be better ;-)

Radila sam prema uputama i ispod folije stavila čak i modri lak, ali je uzorak intezivniji na foliji nego na noktu... no iskreno, to mi i ne smeta previše jer noktići zaista izgledaju senzacionalno :-D
Onda cure, hoćete probat ovo čudo?
I did as instructed and applied blue nail polish as base coat, but the pattern is more intense on the film than on the nail... but honestly, I don't mind too much because nails really look sensational :-D
So girls, wanna try this?

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Black mesh

Hi girls!

Mislim da ovu manikuru ne treba posebno predstavljati - kladim se da svi prepoznajete china glaze 'black mesh' :-)
I think this manicure needs no introduction - I bet you all recognize china glaze 'black mesh' :-)

Možda bi izgledala bolje na danjem svjetlu, ali ja ne mogu čekati... oduševljena sam ovim lakom i želim to odmah podijeliti s vama :-D Sviđa mi se kako je ispucao, sviđa mi se lakoća nanošenja, sviđa mi se brzina sušenja... uh, što volim China Glaze :-D Idem sjesti i buljiti u svoje noktiće :-)
Maybe it would look better in daylight, but I can't wait... I'm so thrilled with this polish so I want it to share with you instantly :-D I like how it cracked, I like the ease of application, like the speed of drying... ugh, I love China Glaze :-D I'm going to sit and stare at my nails ;-D

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sea mani

Hi girls!

Sa zadnjom manikurom sam napravila i najveću grešku u životu - ispod 'bonnie' nisam stavila base coat, računala sam kako je dovoljno svjetla... biiiiiiiiiig mistake :-/ Skoro da nisam trebala lakirati nokte, nakon skidanja laka ostali su plavi :-) Ali, pametna kakva jesam (lol) sredila sam to s polirkom... i opet se vratila na plavu boju :-)
With the last manicure I made the biggest mistake in life - I put 'bonnie' without base coat, I thought it's bright enough... biiiiiiiig mistake :-/ I almost didn't need to polish my nails, after removing the polish they stayed blue :-) But, as smart as I am (lol) i used buffer to fix it... and again put on some blue colors :-)

Za ovu manikuru sam koristila: franken kao podlogu, essence 'bonnie' za sponge, fauxnad pločicu i catrice 'it blue my mind' za stamping te essence 'party time' za malo bljeskanja... i na kraju seche vite da ne čekam sušenje.  Ne znam, valjda sam se ipak zaželjela malo ljeta :-) Šta vi mislite, jel' prerano za ovakvu manikuru?
For this manicure I used: franken as a base, essence 'bonnie' for the sponging, fauxnad image plate and catrice 'it blue my mind' for stamping, essence 'party time' for some flashing... and seche vite, of course. I don't know, I guess I wished a bit of summer :-) What do you think, is it too soon for this kind of manicure?

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bonnie & Clyde

Hi girls!

Dok su nokti došli na red bilo je već prekasno za dugotrajne manikure pa sam se odlučila za nešto brzo i slatko. Stara stvar, i uskoro ide u povijest, na žalost. Ne znam zašto essence povlači twins kolekciju, meni je jako zanimljiva, a večeras sam se odlučila za 'bonnie' i 'clyde'.
Prvo 'bonnie' sama... s narančom kao modnim dodatkom :-)
While the nails came to turn it was already too late for long-lasting manicure, so I opted for something quick and sweet. This is an old thing, and soon go down in history, unfortunately. I don't know why essence withdraw the twins collections, I find it very interesting, and tonight I decided to wear 'bonnie' and 'clyde'.
First 'bonnie' alone... with an orange as an accessory :-)

Za potpuni efekt dodajte još jedan sloj 'clyde'-a i imate potpunu manikuru... ok, znam da je vrijeme šljokica prošlo, ali... meni nije :-)
For complete effect, add one coat of 'clyde' and you have a full manicure... ok, I know that the time of glitters has gone with Christmas, but... not for me :-)
'Bonnie' je ... teška za uhvatiti :-) Vidite kako je na svakoj fotografiji boja drugačija? Ni sama nisam sigurna koja bi bila najrealnija...
A sad idem na miru pogledati horor do kraja!
'Bonnie' is hard to catch :-) See how the color looks different in each photo? I'm not sure which one is the most realistic...
And now I'm leaving to watch the rest of horror movie!

p.s. and it looks like this in daylight

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!

Hi girls!

Sea spray, china glaze... it's finaly mine!!! Do I need to say anything else...

These are two coats, no base coat, no top coat... awesome :-D

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Absolutely chinchilly!

Hi girls!

Za sve zaljubljene cure... sretno vam valentinovo :-D Nadam se da će vam današnji dan biti onakav kakav i treba - zaljubljen!
A ja... ja imam nevalentinovsku manikuru :-) Od jedne drage cure dobila sam catrice 'absolutely chinchilly!' lak na poklon! Iz čista mira! Bilo je to jako ugodno iznenađenje i nemam riječi kojima bih opisala svoj osjećaj zahvalnosti za ovakvu gestu. Draga Abigail, od srca ti hvala!
Idemo mi na lak! Lak je malo rjeđi ali u dva sloja ima sasvim dobru pokrivnost, sušenje relativno brzo a boja... obožavam je! Zadimljeni bež, ne znam kako bih je drugačije opisala... ma pogledajte same!
For all the girls in love... happy Valentine's Day :-D I hope this day will be as it should be - in love! 
And me... I have non-valentine's mani :-) I got catrice 'absolutely chinchilly' as a gift from a very dear girl! Just like that! It was a very pleasant surprise and I have no words to describe my feeling of gratitude for this gesture. Dear Abigail, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
Let's go on polish! It's a bit rarer, but in two coats has a quite good coverage, relatively fast draying and color... I love it! Smokey gray, I don't know how I would describe it differently... however, see it for yourself!

Mislim da sam uhvatila realnu boju, bar na noktima, ova u bočici ne izgleda tako. Zanimljive su mi ove catrice nijanse, jeste primjetile kako na noktima boja uvijek bude intezivnija nego u bočici dok je kod većine lakova suprotno!? Zato su mi catrice lakovi uvijek pozitivno iznenađenje :-)
Abigail je zaželjela neku zanimljivu manikuru, a meni se boja toliko sviđa da mi se nije dalo pokrivati je... na kraju sam se odlučila za malo manikure a la Chloe pa je konačni izgled bio ovakav
I think I caught a real color, at least on nails, in the bottle does not seem so. Have you noticed that the color of catrice polishes is always more intense on nails than in the bottle, while is just the opposite with most polishes of other brands! That's why catrice polishes are always a positive surprise :-)
Abigail wished an interesting mani, but I like the color so much I don't want to cover it... so I decided for mani a la Chloe and the final look was like this
Malo scotch trake i 'spacy' od essence-a ...i voila! Kako sam ja stvarno nestrpljiva osoba, uspjela sam s top coatom razmazati uzorak, jer se lak nije osušio do kraja :-( A za loše zanoktice uopće nisam ja kriva... nego Lalica koja je pokrenula inicijativu za spas istih i sad apstiniram od rezanja :-/ Vidjet ćemo koliko ću izdržat!
U stvari, uživo uopće ne djeluju loše, ali ovako uvećane... brrrrrrrrrr
Some scotch tape and essence 'spicy' and.. voila! As I am really impatient person, I was able to smear sample with top coat because the polish didn't dried up :-( And those bad cuticles are not my fault... but Lalica, which has launched an initiative to rescue them so I'm abstaining from cutting :-/ We'll see how long will I endure!
In fact, in real life they don't look so bad, but on pictures... awfully

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

p.s. juhu, maloprije me posjetio poštar i pogodite što mi je donio... Draga Marina, evo paketića a vi svi obavezno trk na njen blog, cura stvarno ima zlatne ruke :-D
p.s. postman just brought me this... Dear Marina, here's package and all of you just run to her blog, girl has really golden hands :-D
I love it :-D

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Giveaway... finally! CLOSED

Hi girls!

Konačno je stiglo vrijeme za prigodno darivanje :-) Otezala sam i otezala jer nisam uspjela dobaviti sve ono što sam namjeravala ovdje ubaciti... ali da vidimo što ipak imamo.
The time for giveaway is finally here :-) It was delayed because I could not retrieve what I intended to put here... but let's see what we have.
Da krenemo od onog što nas sve najviše zanima - lakova za nokte!?
Shall we go from what we all really want to know - nail polishes!?
essence 'metal battle' i green grass', isabelle dupont 242 and catrice 'it blue my mind!'
  essence 'ultimate pink', isabelle dupont r103 and flash 40 i 54
flormar 395 and essence matt top coat
Prije lakiranja noktiju treba ih malo urediti, slažete se? Možda ovo posluži...
Before polishing your nails you should make your cuticles looks better, you agree? Maybe this will serve...
turpija za nokte, štapići za zanoktice, točkalica i melem... i još malo ukrasa za nokte 
nail file, wooden sticks, doting tool and a 'melem'... and one more thing to decorate your nails
fauxnad stamping set
Ali za izgledati još bolje neće nam naškoditi ni ove stvarčice...
But to look even better it will not harm to have any of this things...

naušnice mudre sovice i obvezna crna olovka za oči... a ljubičasta kao bonus :-)
earrings wise owls and must have black eye pencil... and purple as bonus :-)
Za ovaj put toliko... sve stvari su apsolutno nove i nekorištene... osim flormar zlatnog glittera kojeg sam swatchala na dva prsta, ali kako imam sličan lak rado ću ga nekom pokloniti.
That's it... all things are absolutly new and unused... except for the flormar golden glitter which I swatch on two nails, but I have the similar one so I'm glad to give this one to someone.
Pravila za osvajanje nagrade su jednostavna:
The rules of this giveaway are simple:
  1. morate biti sljedbenik ovog bloga
  2. ostavite komentar s imenom i email adresom
  3. za dodatne bodove možete me stavili na blogroll (1 bod) ili postati o ovom darivanju (1 bod)
  4. cure koje su ostavile više od 10 komentara do sada, dobivaju extra bod :-)
  5. darivanje traje do 12.03. ove godine
  6. dobitnik će biti izvučen preko
  7. i mora se javiti u roku od 48 sati
1.  you must be a follower of this blog
2.  leave a comment with your name and email address
3.  for extra points you can add me on your blogroll (1 point) or post of this giveaway (1 point)
4.  girls that have left more than 10 comments so far, gaining 1 extra point :-)
5.  giveaway end on 12th of march... this year
6.  winner will be choose by
7.  winner must contact me within 48 hours

Until we meet again, enjoy yourself...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's not my fault!

Hi girls!

Ako se pitate što se desilo s mojim noktima... bio je to moj suprug :-) Na pitanje što da stavim na nokte, njegov odgovor bio je - nešto žuto s crnim :-/ Ha, mislio je valjda da se neću usuditi :-) Usudila se... i danas sam zaglavila s ovom manikurom...
If you're wondering what happened to my nails... it was my husband :-) On the question of what to put on my nails, his response was - yellow with some black :-/ Ha, I guess he thought that I would not dare :-) I dared... and now I'm stuck with this manicure...

Žutac je iz china shopa, puna pokrivnost s 2 sloja ali sporije se suši pa mi je stamping pomaknuo cijeli lak sa nokta na srednjem prstu. Za stamping sam koristila essence fatal što je totalni promašaj jer je u jednom sloju skoro pa proziran i konad pločicu m73. Na kraju je moj dragi supružnik zaključio da mu se manikura sviđa :-) Ja još nisam sigurna... vesela je i djeluje sasvim prikladno na ovaj sunčan i vruć dan... ali nikako da se naviknem na ovako svjetle tonove na svojim rukama. Kakva je vaša ocjena - da ili ne?
Yellow polish is from china shop, full coverage with 2 coats but slower to dry, so stamping shifted the entire polish from my nail on the middle finger. For stamping I used essence 'fatal' which is a total failure, because in one layer it's too sheer, and konad image plate m73. In the end, my dear husband decided that he likes manicure :-) I'm still not sure... it's cheerful and so appropriate in this sunny and hot day... but I can't get used to the bright tones on my hands. What say you - yes or no?

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rock it, baby!

Hi girls!

Što kažete na jednu sasvim običnu manikuru? Samo lak, bez dodatnih ukrasa... i to može biti lijepo :-)
How about a very simple manicure? Just nail polish, with no additional decoration... but it might be nice :-)

Prve dvije fotografije su slikane noću uz umjetnu rasvjetu, zadnje dvije na suncu.
Ovaj ljepotan je dio essence-ove kolekcije color & go, odaziva se na ime 'rock it, baby!'. Što reći? Savršena boja, bar što se mene tiče, puna pokrivnost u 2 sloja, sušenje relativno brzo... jedina mana je mala količina, samo 5 ml, i činjenica što ga više nećete naći u essence asortimanu :-( Ja ga već duuuuugo imam i čuvam ga kao kap vode na dlanu :-) Eh da, skoro zaboravih napomenuti da je preko njega essence matt top coat, ako ste se pitali što se desilo sa sjajem i ovim krasnim ljubičastim i plavim shimmerom.
The first two photos were taken at night with artificial light, the last two in the sun.
This beauty is a part of essence color & go collection, its name is 'rock it, baby!'. What can I say? Perfect color, at least for me, full coverage in 2 layers, dry relatively quickly... the only downside is a small amount, only 5 ml, and the fact that is no longer part of essence assortment :-( I have it for a looooong time and keep it as a drop of water on hand :-) Oh yea, I almost forgot to mention that it's covered with essence matt top coat, if you've wondered what happened to the shine and this beautiful purple and blue shimmer.

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

p.s. htjela sam i ovako zahvaliti curama koje su na natječaju glasale za moju manikuru, hvala cure, cijenim vaš glas :-)
p.s. i wanted to say thanks to the girls whom vote for my mani, so thanks girls, i really apprieciate that :-)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine's day mani

Hi girls!

Sad smijem pokazati svoju 'valentinovsku' manikuru! Nisam ja baš za ovakve bojice i teme, ali je naišao trenutak inspiracije pa je ispalo ovo...
Now I can show my 'valentine's day' mani! I'm not really for these tipe of colors and themes like this, but encountered a moment of inspiration, so it turned out like this...
Za manikuru sam koristila franken kao podlogu, crveni konad lak za pečatiranje i konad pločice m2 i m73. Obavezno navratite kod Konad Addict i pogledajte galeriju, ima prekrasnih radova :-)
Ako koja od vas pritom glasa za mene, neću joj zamjeriti :-)
For this mani I used franken as a base, red konad polish for stamping and konad image plate m2 and m73. Be sure to check back with Konad Addict's post and see the gallery, there's some wonderful works :-)
If any of you vote for me, I will not blame her :-)

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Subtle mani

Hi girls!

Evo je i vikend na izmaku, nadam se da je bio ugodan i da ste napunile baterije :-) Nakon dva dana zelenjave na noktima odlučila sam se za nešto jednostavnije i neupadljivije...
The weekend is at the end, I hope it was enjoyable and that you have recharged the batteries :-) After two days of green nails, I decided to do something simpler and unobtrusively.

Za manikuru sam koristila; lak 'sina' # 088 (nikad čula za ovu marku, kinezić), essence 'steel me' za pečatiranje i konad pločicu m70.
For this mani I used nail polish 'sina' # 088 (never heard of this brand, chinese), essence 'steel me' for stamping and konad image plate m70.

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I love Berlin!

Hi girls!

Uspjela sam uhvatiti još jedan lakić iz essenceove 'i love berlin' kolekcije! Crnog sam vam već pokazala, evo i drugog i trećeg...
I managed to catch another polish from essence 'I love Berlin' collection! I've already shown you the black, here are the second and the third...

Prvo sam nokte nalakirala s i'm a berliner (to je svjetliji lak) s izuzetkom prstenjaka i palca na kojima je green grass... a onda sam se zaigrala sa scotch trakom i dodala malo frencha :-) Kažiprst sam opet uspjela malo pokvariti a srednjak je već lagano izlizan :-(  ali kombinacija ove dvije boje me tako veseli da sam ju morala pokazati :-)
Što se tiče kvalitete lakova, green grass (tamnija zelena) je predivan, puna pokrivnost u jednom sloju, lak savršene gustoće... čista poezija :-) za razliku od i'm a berliner (svjetlija zelena) koji je dosta rijedak i proziran pa su mi trebala čak 3 sloja za punu pokrivnost... kao da nisu iz iste kolekcije! Ali, oprostit ću mu jer mi je boja genijalna :-) Sad mi još samo nedostaje plavi lak iz ove kolekcije s obzirom da me rozi apsolutno ne privlači.
I've polished my nails with 'i'm a berliner' (the lighter polish) with the exception of the ring finger and thumb, where is 'green grass'... and then I played with scotch tape and added a little french. Again, I managed to spoil a forefinger and middle finger is slightly worn out :-( but the combination of these two colors makes me so happy so I had to show it to you :-)
Regarding the quality of polishes, 'green grass (dark green) is a beautiful, full coverage in one coat, has the perfect density... pure poetry :-) unlike 'i'm a beliner' (lighter green) which is quite thin and transparent so I needed 3 coats for full coverage... it's like they are not from same collection! But I will forgive it because the color is just brilliant :-) Now I'm missing only the blue polish from this collection given I'm absolutely not attracted to pink.

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...