
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My top 5 of 2010 th

Bok cure!
Hi girls!

Opet me tagovalo...draga Ulmiel me tjera da izaberem 5 najdražih lakova! Kad bi ona samo znala kakva je ovo muka za mene...tolika da ne znam je li ovaj tag nagrada ili kazna :-) Kao što znate, ja sam friška ovisnica ...stoga su i svi moji lakovi kupljeni ove odnosno sad već prošle godine.
No idemo nešto probati, rezultat i mene zanima, možda samu sebe iznenadim! Lista je numerirana, iako ih ja ne bih rangirala, meni su svi podjednako dragi.
I've been tagged...dear Ulmiel  forces me to choose 5 favorite polishes! If she only knew what a torment this is for me... so much that I don't know if this tag is reward or punishment :-) As you all know, I'm a fresh all my polishes are bought this year...sorry,last year.
But let's try something, I'm interested as well, it may suprise me to! The list is numbered, althought I would not ranked them, to me are all equally dear.

1. Na listi je obavezno nubar ,knight's armor' - prvi lak kojeg sam kupila preko interneta, savršeni crni sa srebrnim glitterom. Sreća moja pa je i izišao u 2010-oj, u kolekciji fortress! Obožavam ga!
1. Nubar's 'knight's armor' must be on this list - this is the first polish which I bought over the internet, the perfect black with silver glitter. Luckily for me he was part of the fortress collection from 2010! I love it!
2. Jedna od najdražih boja meni je modra, a među modrim lakovima izdvojila bih...'it blue my minds' od catrice - prekrasan modri lak sa svjetlijim shimmerom. Ne mogu vjerovati da ga nisam swatchala samog, pa stoga, samo za ovu priliku...
2. One of my favorite color is blue, among blue polishes I would single out... 'it blue my minds' from catrice - gorgeous blue polish with a lighter shimmer in it. I can't believe I didn't swatch it, therefore, for this opportunity...
3. Volim i zelene lakove, a u ovoj boji prvak je definitivno 'emerald sparkle' od china glaze - fantastična smaragdna zelena sa svjetlijim glitterom. Lak je dio blagdanske kolekcije iz 2008-e, ali ja ga imam tek od nedavno.
3. I like green polishes too, in this color the champion is definetely 'emerald sparkle' from china glaze - fantastic emerald green with glitters. Polish is a part of the holiday collection from 2008th, but I have bought it only recently.
4. Ne smijem preskočiti ni ljubičaste lakove...njih neka predstavlja moja posljednja ljubimica - 'estetic # 353' iz ingrid cosmetics! Krasna tamnoljubičasta boja puna plavog i rozog shimmera, šteta što je takvu ljepotu teško zarobiti fotografijom.
4. I must not skip the purple color...this one is represented by my last pet - 'estetic # 353' from ingrid cosmetics! Gorgeous purple full of blue and pink shimmer, it's a pity that such beauty is hard to capture with a camera.
5. Posljednje mjesto čuvam za srebrnog ljepotana  - 'worth the risque' iz proljetne kolekcije color cluba iz 2009, ali ja ga imam tek od ove godine. Radi se o predivnom srebrnom holo lakiću koji se izuzetno lako nanosi i isto tako brzo i suši...čista petica!
5. At least but not the last is this silver beauty - 'worth the risque' from spring collection from color club in 2009th, but I've bought it only this year. It's an awesome silver holo which is extremely easy to apply and also dries quickly and... deserves A +!

Pokušala sam se složiti po bojama,učinilo mi se da će mi tako biti lakše...ali ovo je lista sa samo 5 mjesta i nije bilo mjesta za neke od lakova koje isto jaaaaaako volim
I tried to organize myself on colors, seemed to me that it would be easy... but this is a list with only 5 seats and there was no place for some of the varnishes that I love so much...
....revvvolution, color club... velvet, color club...
...with abandon, color club, again :-)
...sleepwalker, hallowen collection, wet'n'wild...
...thelma & louise, twins collection, essence - actually two polishes,but what a heck :-)
E sad, zamislite se u situaciji da vam netko kaže da morate izabrati samo jedan lak koji smijete zadržati... ma nema šanse da bih se odlučila, plakala bih dok ih ne bih mogla zadržati sve!!!...ili ostala bez svih :-(
Now, imagine yourself in a situation where someone tells you that you have to choose just one polish to keep... no way for me to decided, I would cry while I could not keep everyhting!!! or lost all :-(
Sigurna sam da ću se sutra sjetiti kojeg laka kojeg sam na žalost izostavila s ove liste... a o wish listi neću niti početi pričati :-) Čekajte samo dok je jednog dana prezentiram javnosti :-p
I'm sure  tomorow I'll remember some polish which are unfortunately omitted from this list... and wish list is even not to talk about :-) just wait until it's presented to the public :-p
Drage moje, nadam se da ste se zabavile na ovoj retrospektivi sa mnom :-)
Do idućeg lakiranja, uživajte...
My dear, I hope you have fun in retrospect this with me 
Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself ...

joj,trebam ovo proslijediti dalje! dame,budite dobre i javite se sa svojim listama, ostavljam vam na volju želite li se igrati ili ne :-)
ups, I need to pass this on! ladies, be good and let us now how your list look like, leaving  you at will if you want to play or not :-)


  1. Jaz sem si že trikrat premislila, da bi napisala tale post. Tako težko se je odločiti za 5 najljubših lakov. Sicer pa mi je tvoja lista zelo všeč. ;)

  2. ne znam koji je bolji - "it blue my minds" ili "worth the risque" ??? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
    sviđa mi se lista.. :)

  3. ja sam poprilicno sigurna da kad bi morala birat jedan lak da bi to bio London's weather forecast od svih koje posjedujem :) a svidja mi se i ovaj tvoj izbor

  4. Čudovit seznam =). Sama se nikoli nebi mogla odločiti za samo 5 lakov =).

    Upam da res ne pride dan, ko bomo morale izbrati samo en lak =O

  5. Ja ovo nema šanse da bi mogla izabrat.. pa ja sam Vaga.. to biranje bi vječno trajalo i onda na kraju ne bi bila zadovoljna sa izborom. Zato ja ne radim takve liste..

  6. I can totally understand you! You did the impossible, these are GORGEOUS nail polishes!

  7. Super lista! I znam kako je teško! ;)

  8. thanks girls for all your comments...i know you all sympathize with me for doing this hard job,it won't be easy for you either,trust me :-)
    i'm so happy that you approve my choice :-D
    and now i'm waiting for yours!


Thank you for time spent with me, I appreciate every single comment :-)
But please refrain from spamming me with links.