
Thursday, December 2, 2010

With abandon

Bok cure!
Hi girls!

Ljudi,ja sam danas vidjela sunce!!! sama ne znam koliko vremena. Hvala dragom sunčeku,moj lakić na njegovoj svjetlosti izgleda još bolje :-) I znate što još...kiša nije pala od jutros!? Ne mogu doći sebi... Nego,imam za vas danas jednog krasotana. Riječ je o color club 'with abandon',crnom laku sa zlatnim odnosno smećkastim shimmerom. Na slikama u 2 sloja,sa seche vite-om,naravno :-) Ne treba njemu previše riječi...Obavezno povećajte slike klikom da bolje vidite shimmer.
Folks, today I saw the sun! After ... I don't know how long. Thank you dear sunshine, with you my polish look even better :-) You know what else ... the rain didn't fell after this morning!? I hardly believe it ...Never the less,today I have some gorgeous polish to show. This is a color club 'with abandon', a black  creame with gold or brownish shimmer. Here in 2 coats, with seche vite, of course :-) It does not need too many words ...Be sure to enlarge the pictures by clicking on them to see the shimmer better.

Završni komentar? Ma volim ga i to je to!
Final comments? Oh I love him and that's it!

Do idućeg lakiranja,uživajte...
Untill the next polishing,enjoy yourself...


  1. Perfection! Jedan od najboljih od Color Cluba.

  2. Jel da!? Ja obožavam ovakve crne sa shimmerom ili glitterom :-)

  3. Hvala cure,ja se u potpunosti slažem :-)

  4. wow! I really like this color. I really like colors that almost look black but then they have glitter in them or a duochrome shimmer in them..or they arent black but a dark dark blue. I didn't know colorclub has this color. I will have to go order it

  5. Color club has some great colours,stay tuned for more :-)

  6. predivna boja! baš je neobična. mislim da bi ja cijelli dan gledala u nokte.

  7. Lijep i elegantan,mislim da bi cak i na mojim posljednjih dana unistenim od ciscenja nokticima izgledao fino:)

  8. Jesam ja jedina kojoj se ovaj lak baš ne sviđa? Volim crne sa šljokicama, shimmerom itd. ali boja ovog shimmera mi nikako ne sjeda.

    Uostalom koga briga šta mislim ;) Glavno da je on tebi lijep. :)

  9. Maybe i Mimi hvala :-)
    Lalice,ne se nerviraj...o ukusima se ionako ne raspravlja...da ste ga sve popljuvale meni bi opet bio jedan od najdražih :-)


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