
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Circus manicure...imagine

Bok cure!
Hi girls!

Mislila sam da će moja današnja manikura sličiti na božić kraju mi nokti izgledaju k'o da sam pobjegla iz cirkusa :-( A upotrijebila sam sve prave boje...ali ne valja...evo,sudite same...
I thought that my today's manicure resemble of the end my nails look like I escaped from the circus :-(  I used all the right colours...but it's no good...judge for yourself...

Evo koje sam lakove upotrijebila...
Here are the polishes I used...

...a sve to pod budnim okom mog starog prijatelja...samo se pretvara da spava...
...all under the watchful eye of my old friend...he's just pretending he sleeps...

Bolje mi je izgledalo dok su u igri bili samo zlatni i crveni lak...doduše,ja ne volim ništa šareno na sebi pa tako ni nokte...Smatrat ću ovo testom tolerancije...zanima me hoću li izdržati 24 sata s ovim na rukama :-)
It looked better while ther was just gold and red polish...I must admitted I don't like anything too colored on me,not even on my nails...I will consider this as tolerance test...interested if I'll endure 24 hours with this on my nails :-)

Do idućeg lakiranja,uživajte....
Untill the next polishing,enjoy yourself...

p.s. Danas je godišnjica tužnog dana kad smo izgubili jednog od najvećih svjetskih genijalaca...John,nećemo te zaboraviti!
p.s. Today is the 30th anniversary of a sad day when we lost one of the world's greatest genius ... John, we will never forget you!