
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Bok cure!
Hi girls!

Danas vam predstavljam spicy iz essence-a, predivan tamnosmeđi lak (maloprije sam se uhvatila kako ga ližem,toliko me podsjeća na rastopljenu čokoladu :-P). Na prstenjaku imam staru verziju ovog laka, sa shimmerom...i moram vam priznati da mi je baš drago da ne moram birati između njih jer definitivno ne znam za kojeg bih se odlučila. Prosudite same...
Today I present to you 'spicy' from essence, a beautiful dark brown colour (I just caught my self licking my nails, that's how much it remindes me of melted chocololate :-P) On the ring I have an old version of this polish, with shimmer...and I have to admit that I'm just glad not to have to choose between them because I definitely do not know which one to choose. Judge for yourself...

Dodatno sam ga začinila srebrnim točkama, napravljenih uz pomoć točkalice.
I spiced it up some more with silver dots which I made with doting tool.

Nisam još pohvalila aplikaciju, savršenu u 2 sloja, iako bi i jedan učinio sasvim dobar posao.
Aplication was perfect after 2 coats,although it looks quite good with just one coat.

Do idućeg lakiranja, uživajte...
Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...


  1. moam priznat da mi je stari ljepši. shimmer je ipak shimmer :-)

  2. Hvala cure :-)
    Maybe,meni se sviđaju obje varijante i drago mi je što imam oba :-)


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