
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Huston,we have a problem!!! Again!!!

Bok cure!
Hi girls!

Loše vijesti i za mene i za vas :-(
Nakon mučenja s predugim postom blog odbija poslušnost i neće da lijepi znam je li problem s blogom ili internetom...uglavnom...joj,poludjet ću!!!
Nadam se da ovo što skorije rješim i javim vam se.
Bad news for me and for you :-(
After the torture with too long blog post, blog refuses obedience and it don't want to paste pictures ... I do not know if the problem is with the blog or the internet ... mostly ... I'm going crazy!
I hope to solve this as soon as possible and tell you.

Do idućeg lakiranja i boljih vijesti,uživajte....
Untill the next polishing, and better news, enjoy yourself ....

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