
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spell bound!

Hi there!

Among new essence stuff, new nail art magnet 'funky check' was the first one that got my attention, so I took him with me, to show him where I live winking

Među novim essence stvarčicama, novi nail art magnet 'funky check' mi je prvi privukao pažnju, pa sam ga povela sa sobom da mu pokažem gdje živim winking.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Midnight date in city that never sleeps

Hi there!

Lately often happens to me that I don't have enough of free time to even start my computer for a few days in a row. I miss blogging, but don't get me wrong, I love to live outside my four walls too. I'm still wearing my Easter manicure, so, it's finally time to show one of the polishes I previously swatched but never showed them. 

U posljednje vrijeme mi se češće događa da nemam ni toliko slobodnog vremena da iti upalim kompjuter po nekoliko dana zaredom. Nedostaje mi bloganje, ali nemojte me krivo shvatiti - i vrijeme provedeno izvan moja četiri zida mi je jako dragocjeno. Još uvijek nosim Uskršnju manikuru, pa je vrijeme da konačno pokažem jedan od lakova koje sam čak i prošetala, swatchala, ali nikad pokazala. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #32 - Easter Manicure

Hi there!

Before I say anything else, I would love to wish you all Happy Easter! Hope you all had a great day with your dearest. 
As for manicure, it's time for - Easter Manicure!

Prije no što iti spomenem manikuru, htjela bih Vam svima još jednom poželjeti Sretan Uskrs! Nadam se da ste svi proveli krasan dan u društvu svojih najdražih.
A što se tiče manikure, vrijeme je za - Uskrs na noktima!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Empty #4

Hi there!

Sorry girls, this post will be in Croatian only.

Zahvaljujući bloganju i svim beauty blogericama koje čitam postala sam pravi hrčak, jer svako malo naletim na nešto što bih htjela probati big grin.
Zadnji ovakav post bio je skoro pred godinu dana, prošle godine u lipnju, pa se skupilo prilično toga. No, s početkom nove godine odlučila sam očistiti staro smeće i napraviti mjesta za novo winking. Sve što vidite, ispražnjeno je u tekućoj godini. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

essence spring/summer 2014 update

Hi there!

Sorry girls, this post is in Croatian only.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #31 - Spring Manicure

Hi there!

What's the first thing you think when someone says 'spring'? To me, it's blue sky with fluffy clouds, fresh green grass... but, let's keep our mind on those fluffy clouds.

Na što prvo pomislite kad netko kaže 'proljeće'? Meni je to plavo nebo s pahuljastim oblacima, svježe izrasla trava... no, zadržimo se na trenutak na tim pahuljastim oblacima.

Friday, April 11, 2014

deBBy colorPLAY 180

Hi there!

Here's the post that should be published yesterday, but with me you can never predict anything winking.

Evo posta koji je trebao ići jučer, no sa mnom ništa nije lako predvidivo winking.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #30 - Flowers

Hi there!

It's time for another MM Sunday, and this time in time - on Sunday big grin. This week the theme is 'flowers'. I decided for those who grows on trees, preferably fruits. 

Vrijeme je za još jednu MM Nedjelju, ovaj put na vrijeme - baš u nedjelju big grin. Ovotjedna tema je 'cvijeće'. Ja sam se odlučila za ono koje raste na drveću, osobito na kakvoj voćci.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

essence 'bloom me up!' and 'bloom me up! tools' trend edition

Hi there!

In Croatian dm stores, this month we can found new trend edition - 'bloom me up!'. I don't wont to bother you with PR text, instead I'll just leave you to enjoy the pictures. 

U hrvatskim dm drogerijama, ovaj mjesec moći ćemo gledati, dirati, pomirisati, valjda i kupiti novu kolekciju - 'bloom me up!'. Nemam namjeru gnjaviti Vas s PR tekstom, pustit ću Vas da uživate u fotkama. 

Matching Manicure Sunday #29 - Inspired by Video Game

Hi there!

Yep, it's Thursday, but I still have to catch up on Sunday's manicure winking. This Sunday the theme was to good to miss it - Inspired by Video Game. To tell you the truth, if I have some time for myself, I'd rather take a book or watch a movie. Video Games are not my cup of tea. These days, I love to play cards or Mahjong, you should try it, it's really catchy. But, when I was younger, I played Tetris, and of course - Packman.

O da, ne varate se, danas je četvrtak, ali još uvijek imam vremena nadoknaditi nedjeljnu manikuru winking. Prošlonedjeljna tema je bila predobra i stoga ju je šteta propustiti - Insprirani Video Igricom. Iskreno, ako baš imam vremena radije uhvatim knjigu ili pogledam film. Video igrice baš i nisu moj tip zabave. Iako, katkada se uhvatima karata ili mahjonga, probajte ga, totalna je zaraza. No, kad sam bila mlađa igrao se Tetris i naravno - Packman. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Farewell my dear March, you've been good to me

Hi there!

It's time to summarize what we did and where we were last month.
Look how many goodies I have, this gorgeous Boudoir & Nivea bag is almost full big grin. I must say that this bag is the only thing that I properly tested, I'm wearing it almost every day to grocery shopping. It looks great, it's firm enough and it matches my new beige shoes winking.

Vrijeme je da rezimiramo što smo radili i gdje smo bili protekli mjesec.
Pogledajte samo koliko toga ima, ova prekrasna Boudoir & Nivea torba je skoro puna big grin. Moram priznati da je torba jedina stvar koja je pošteno istestirana, nosim ju svaki dan u spizu (špeceraj). Izgleda super, dovoljno je čvrsta i slaže mi se s novim bež šuzama winking.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Olive Drab and Light Blue

Hi there!

It's time to break radio silence winking. I had a big plans, but I failed to realized them sad. But, maybe tomorrow will be my day big grin.
Anyway, instead of something new, I'll give you something old... O.K. not that old but still.

Vrijeme je da prekinem radio-tišinu winking. Imala sam sasvim drugačije planove, ali je, naravno, došlo do određenih smetnji u realizaciji istih sad. No, tko kaže da baš sutra ne bude moj dan big grin.
Nego, umjesto nečeg novog, evo nešto staro... u redu, ne baš tako staro ali ipak.