
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Let it snow in New Year's Eve

Hi there!

Welcome to the very last post... in this year, who knows what the next one will bring winking.

Dobrodošle u posljednji post... ove godine, tko zna što će nam iduća donijeti winking.

This gorgeous butterfly I won on the Art on my way blog. In the package were three of them and they all landed on my Christmas tree. Thanks Emina kiss

Ovog prekrasnog leptira osvojila sam na Art on my way blogu. U paketiću su bila tri, i sva tri su uspješno sletjela na naše Božićno drvce, naravno, raspakirala ih prije no što sam se sjetila poslikati ih. Hvala Emina kiss.

Santa finally crawled out of chimney and found his place, where else but on my Christmas tree. 

Djedica je konačno ispuzao iz dimnjaka i svoje mjesto pronašao, gdje li drugdje, do na Božićnom drvcu obitelji Ž.

As for this manicure, it was my hubby's choice. He decided for essence 'fame fatal', gorgeous pure red creme, and snowflake topper 'let it snow!' from happy holidays collection, also by essence. Although this topper looks awesome in the bottle, I must say that it turned out in great disappointment, it's mission impossible to catch the white glitter, I had to fish them out... even the little iridescent particles are not that visible and I have two coats on my nails sad. Too bad. But this awesome red definitely saved the manicure big grin

Have a super awesome night, wherever you are tonight! May the New Year be better to all of us!
Till the next year, love ya all, Žana big hug

Što se tiče manikure, ona je bila supružnikov izbor. Odlučio se za essence 'fame fatal', prekrasan čisti crveni krem lak, i nadlak s pahuljicama 'let it snow!' iz happy holidays kolekcije, također essence. Premda nadlak ludo izgleda u bočici, moram priznati da je na kraju ispao totalno razočaranje, sasvim je nemoguće uhvatiti bijeli glitter, doslovno sam ga morala pecati... čak ni sitnije čestice koje se prelijevaju u svim bojama nisu tako vidljive a na noktima imam dva sloja sad. Šteta. Ali je zato crvendać spasio manikuru big grin

Želim Vam super ludu noć, bez obzira gdje ste večeras! A Nova neka bude bolja prema svima nama!
Do iduće godine, volim Vas sve, Žana big hug

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Great Challenge - Santa Claus

Hi there!

In a nick of time, here's my entry for this week theme:

U posljednji čas, ali ipak, evo i moje manikure na ovotjednu temu:

Ever since I saw this manicure, done by very talented Lydz, I knew I had to try something like it myself. Unfortunately, I didn't had so much time, so I did only one chimney with only one Santa... but he's super fast and I bet he visited all of you... if you were good, of course winking
Let me introduce you to my little helpers:

Otkako sam vidjela ovu manikuru, koju je kreirala talentirana Lydz, znala sam da i sama moram probati nešto slično. Na žalost, nisam imala vremena na pretek pa sam nacrtala svega jedan dimnjak s jednim Djedicom... ali on je brzica i kladim se da je posjetio sve Vas... ukoliko ste bile dobre, naravno winking.
Još da Vam pokažem i moje male pomagače:

Now we can all check out what the rest of girls have done in this round.

Sad možemo zajedno provjeriti i što su druge cure napravile u ovom krugu. 

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Friday, December 27, 2013

There's Snow One Like You

Hi there!

Merry Christmas, my darlings, hope you had nice holidays. Mine were great, it's only that I need vacation after holidays, to rest from them winking
Anyway, after few busy busy days, I finally manage to polish my nails. Here's what I grabbed:

Sretan Vam Božić, drage moje, nadam se da ste provele mirne i ugodne blagdane. Moji su bili super, samo mi sad treba odmor, da se odmorim od svog tog blagovanja winking
Nego, nakon par baš zauzetih dana, konačno sam ugrabila vremena i za lakiranje noktiju. Evo koje sam se bočice dočepala:

This is China Glaze 'there's snow one like you'. It's white textured polish from their Happy HoliGlaze Collection for Holiday 2013. I must say, you'll either hate or love this polish, there's no middle with it. Knowing my love for textured polishes, you've guessed - I love it love struck ! I have two coats on my nails, and those two coats are fully opaque. The formula is kinda tricky, you have to be very careful when you apply it. It dries so fast, like the most of the textured polishes. On nails this looks like you've sprayed the artificial snow, it's totally unique and crazy. The texture is super rough, much rougher than the rest of textured polishes I own. But, because of such a texture, it probably won't last long on nails... the good thing about it is that you can add some polish on eventual bald spots, and after the polish is dry, you can't even notice it was repaired big grin.
Have I convinced you, will this baby found a place in your collection?

Ovo je China Glaze 'there's snow one like you'. Riječ je o bijelom laku s teksturom iz njihove Happy HoliGlaze kolekcije za ovu sezonu blagdana. Moram reći, ili ćete ga voljeti ili mrziti, mislim da s njim nema mlakih emocija. Poznavajući moju ljubav prema hrapavcima, vjerojatno ste pogodile - obožavam ga love struck! Na noktima imam dva sloja, a ta dva sloja su dovoljna na punu pokrivenost nokta. Formula je pomalo zeznuta, morate baš biti oprezne dok ga nanosite. Suši se jako brzo, kao i većina hrapavaca. Na noktima mi izgleda kao da sam nasprejala umjetnog snijega, totalno jedinstveno i otkačeno. Baš je hrapav, dosta hrapaviji od ostatka hrapavaca iz moje kolekcije. Ali, baš zbog takve teksture, vjerojatno se neče previše zadržati na noktima... no s druge strane, ako i primjetite eventualno ćelavo mjesto, lako je tu dodati malo laka, a nakon što se osuši nećete ni primjetiti da ste ga popravljale big grin.
Jesam Vas uvjerila, hoće li ovaj ljepotan naći mjesto i u Vašoj kolekciji?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Rebel Blue with Perfect Holographic

Hi there!

While I'm on needles and pins waiting for Mr. Nail Crazy to knocked on the door, let me show you some of polishes you've already seen in my manicures.

Dok sjedim kao na iglicama i čekam da Mr. Nail Crazy konačno pokuca na vrata, mogu ubiti vrijeme tako da Vam pokažem koji od lakića koji su već vidjeli svjetlo dana. Evo posljednjeg kojeg sam nosila, vidjele ste ga već u dvije manikure. 

L'OREAL 'rebel blue' is lovely medium blue color with shimmer. It comes in bottles of 5 ml, its brush is wide, it's well pigmented, it dries pretty fast... On pics you see two coats, no topcoat. It's really lovely, the only downside is that 5 ml bottle, but maybe this way I could finally spend the entire polish. 
And here's another one:

L'OREAL 'rebel blue' je krasna srednje plava boja sa shimmerom. Dolazi u bočici od 5 ml, četkica mu je široka i meni skoro u jednom potezu pokrije nokat što je super, pigmentacija zadovoljavajuća, vrijeme sušenja pristojno - dok sam odradila fotkanje, lak je bio potpuno suh. Na fotkama je u dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Krasan mi je, jedina mu je mana ta mala bočica, ali možda ovako uspijem i potrošiti koji lak winking
Evo još jednog malca:

This one is perfect Holographic 4, on pics in two coats, no topcoat. Another bottle of just 5 ml, which makes me sad. The brush is narrow, but works just fine, the polish has kinda 'slobbery' formula like all holo polishes, it looks absolutely perfect with two coats, and under the sun or artificial light, like here, you can see it in all its beauty. It's really the eye catcher! Perfect is Bulgarian brand, you can found it online at Beauty The products are cheaper than in Croatia, some of these stuff you can't find in our country, but the shipping is 10 €. Maybe common shopping with your neighbor is not such an bad idea.
Now I'm off, gotta polish my nails befere hubby arrives. 

Ovaj se odaziva na ime perfect Holographic 4, na fotkama u dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Bočica je opet od 5 ml, zašto o zašto, znam da ću plakati za njim kad dođe kraju sad. Četkica je uska, ali isto odradi svoj posao, lak je onako 'slinav' poput većine holića i morate biti pažljivi dok ga nanosite, s dva sloja super izgleda, a na suncu ili pod umjetnom rasvjetom, gdje su nastale ove fotke, vidite ga u svoj njegovoj krasoti. Zbilja je mamac za oči! Perfect je bugarski brand, možete ga nabaviti online na stranici Beauty Kozmetika je prilično jeftinija nego u nas, neke od tih stvari niti ne možete kupiti u Hrvatskoj, ali shipping je 10 €, stoga ne bi bilo loše podijeliti narudžbu sa susjedom winking
A sad odoh nalakirati nokte, moram dočekati dragog u punoj bojnoj spremi happy.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Great Challenge - Christmas Scene

Hi there!

Ok, I had something like this in my mind... but I ended it with this:

Zamislila sam to više ovako, ali na kraju sam završila s ovim:

We have snow, Mr. Snowman, Christmas Tree, gifts... enough for one Christmas Scene, agree!? I like the tree, but I'm not sure for the rest of this manicure. How about you?
Please, take a look at other girls manicures too. 

Imamo snijeg, G-dina Snjegovića, Božićno drvce, darove... dovoljno za Božićni prizor, zar ne!? Sviđa mi se drvce, nisam baš sigurna za ostatak manikure. A kakva je Vaša presuda?
Molim Vas, pogledajte i manikure drugih učesnica. 

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Matching Manicure Sunday #14 - Penguins on Nimbus

Hi there!

I did my manicure this morning, but was out all day. Still, there's few more hours left for sharing it.

Manikuru sam odradila jutros, ali čitav dan sam provela vani, tko ne bi po ovako krasnom danu... stvarno, već par dana sam vani, uživam na suncu dok ga još ima. Ostalo je još par sati za djeljenje manikure pa da i to iskoristim. 

I'm not quite happy with the nimbus part of this manicure, I even manage to smear my penguins... but, everything still looks cute. Will you agree with me?

Nisam baš najsretnija s nimbus dijelom manikure, čak sam i jednog pingvina uspjela razmazati... ali, sve u svemu, ovo baš izgleda slatko. Hoćete li se složiti sa mnom?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana