
Friday, August 30, 2013

L'Afrique, c'est chic

Hi there!

In Croatian dm stores, new Catrice collection 'L'Afrique, c'est chic' is now available. In it:
U naše dm hramove stigla je nova Catrice kolekcija - L'Afrique, c'est chic, a u njoj:
C01 So Classy MPC 33.90

C02 All real Gold MPC 33.90
C03 Quel bleu turquoise MPC 33.90

C04 Green fashion MPC 33.90

Giant kajal C01 Black's Beautiful MPC 20.90

C01 Rouge, Bien Sur MPC 33.90
C02 Extravagant MPC 33.90

C01 Fresh demand MPC 33.90

C02 Oh, La, La MPC 33.90
Giant Blush Brush MPC 37.90
C01 So Classy MPC 20.90

C03 Sunny Side MPC 20.90

C02 Quel bleu turquoise MPC 20.90
C04 Rouge, Bien Sur MPC 20.90

C05 L'Orange MPC 20.90

Why I'm so excited about it? Because those polishes are textured, we all want more of those big grin!
Enjoy your shopping girls!
Zašto sam ja tako uzbuđena oko nje? Pa zato jer su lakovi texturci, a sve ih želimo još big grin! Uživajte u shoppingu! I nemojte da dođem u dm i nađem praznu policu bez ijednog laka sad.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

KKCenterhk giveaway

Hi there!

My dears, I have a great news for us all! KKCenterhk kindly offered to sponsor a giveaway for my readers, which I gratefully accepted. Here is yours prize:
Drage moje, imam super vijest za sve nas! KKCenterhk je ljubazno ponudio sponzoriranje darivanja za moje čitatelje, što sam naravno i prihvatila. Evo nagradice:

They offered their products in amount of 30$. I choose the things I love, hope you'll be satisfied with my choice. The shipping is on me.
Ponudili su svoje proizvode u vrijednosti 30$, a izbor prepustili meni. Nadam se da ćete s ovim izborom biti zadovoljni. Poštarinom častim ja.

Nothing without nail polishes, of course. One of you will get Ebalay Baby Pink Iridescent nail polish and Ebalay Matte nail polish in Blue and Baby Pink. I have one shade of this Ebalay Iridescent polish and it's really awesome, you only have to layered it over black polish, that way this baby looks spectacular. These matte polishes I haven't tried yet.
Ništa bez lakova, naravno! Jedna sretnica (ili sretnik) će dobiti Ebalay Baby Pink Iridescent lak i Ebalay mat lakove u plavoj i baby pink boji. Imam jedan Ebalay Iridescent lak i moram vam reći da je zbilja fantastičan, samo ga treba staviti na crnu podlogu i izgledat će spektakularno. Mat lakiće još probala nisam. 

I just couldn't resist these cute Panda babies! I love water decals!
Nisam uspjela odoljeti ovim preslatkim pandicama. Obožavam vodene naljepnice!

For beginners in stamping, and for all the rest, I choose this set containing two image plates with holder, scraper and stamper. 
Za početnike u pečatiranju noktiju, i za sve ostale, izabrala sam ovaj set koji se sastoji od dvije pločice sa sličicama, držača za iste, pečata i grebalice.

Now that I have your attention, here are the rules, pretty simple I'd said :

As simple as that! But you can earn more points with extra options, which are optional:
2. follow KKCenterhk blog, you must be public follower via GFC
3. follow kkcenterhk on Twitter
4. follow my blog if you like it, if you don't - skip it

This giveaway is open internationally, and valid for a month. The winner will be choose by Once the winner is chosen, she (or he) have to claim the award in 48 hours.  

Good luck to you all!

Sad kad imam vašu pažnju, evo i pravila, prilično jednostavnih:

I to je to! Za one koji žele zaraditi još koji ulaz evo i dodatnih opcija, naglašam - neobaveznih:
2. pratite KKCenterhk blog, budite vidljiv sljedbenik via GFC
3. pratite kkcenterhk na Twitteru
4. ukoliko vam se moj blog sviđa, slobodno pratite i mene

Darivanje je otvoreno diljem svijeta, i bit će otvoreno mjesec dana. Pobjednika bira i u roku od 48 sati morat' će se javiti na raport winking.


Thanks for stopping by, Žana

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, August 26, 2013


Hi there!

Some of you may already know, I finally got my hands on some p2 nail polishes, thanks to my dear hubby big grin
Neke od vas već znaju, konačno sam se dočepala par p2 lakića, zahvaljujući mom dragom supružniku big grin.

The only problem is that my nails are in horrible state now, so you'll see those beauties on my poor nubbins... but who can wait for nails to grow back, I wanna wear them now!
Jedini problem leži u činjenici da su mi nokti trenutno kriminalni, pa ćete nažalost morati gledati ove krasotane na ultra kratkim noktima... ali tko ima volje čekati da nokti narastu, hoću ih šetati odmah!

This is 050 confidential from p2 sand style collection. On pics you see two coats, with no topcoat, first four pics taken in the sun, the rest of them in the shade. The bottle contains 11 ml of polish, the brush is medium wide and you won't have any problems applying polish with it... the formula is great, the nail is almost completely covered with one coat but it looks better with two coats on. Comparing these with China Glaze textured polishes, I think p2 dries slower, maybe the heat is to blame, so don't take this fact for sure. Also, with China Glaze polishes you'll get more texture than with p2... but my dears, this one really looks spectacular love struck. I'll describe its color as smokey purplish grey with tons of violet, green and gold glitters which look holographic on the sun! I admit, I'm wearing it for the third day today, and I still can't stop staring in my nails. I got some tipwear on the second day, but since this polish is textured, you can fix that with no visible marks, and that's awesome! As I said, these polishes are not so gritty as China Glaze textured, maybe with one coat of topcoat they'll look as 'normal' as any ordinary polish, but I love texture on my nails, and would never wear topcoat over this kind of polishes. Overall - I love it!
How about you, do you have some p2 nail polish in your collection? Or any texture polish?
Ovo je 050 confidential iz p2 sand style kolekcije. Na fotkama su dva sloja, bez nadlaka, prve četiri fotke sa sunce, ostatak nastao u hladovini. U bočici je 11 ml laka, četkica je srednje širine i s njom ne bi trebali imati problema... formula je super, lak je skoro pokriven s jednim slojem ali dva ipak izgledaju bolje. Uspoređujući ga s recimo China Glaze texturcima, p2 se suši nešto sporije, doduše možda je i vrućina kriva za to pa ovu činjenicu ne uzmite kao sasvim točnu. China Glaze texturci su i hrapaviji od p2... ali drage moje, ovaj zbilja izgleda spektakularno love struck. Boju bih opisala kao zadimljenu ljubičasto-sivu s tonom ljubičastog, zelenog i zlatnog glittera koji na suncu izgleda totalno holografski! Moram priznati, premda lak nosim već treći dana, da ne mogu prestati buljiti u svoje nokte. Drugi dan sam primjetila ponešto izlizan lak na vrhovima noktiju, ali kako je lak texturac, to se bez problema i bez vidljivih tragova može uredno popraviti, što je meni super! Kao što rekoh, lakovi nisu tako hrapavi kao China Glaze, možda bi čak s jednim slojen nadlaka izgledali sasvim 'normalni', baš poput običnih lakova, ali osobno obožavam texture lakove i nikad ih ne bih sakrivala nadlakom. Sve u svemu - obožavam ga!
Imali li u svojoj kolekciji koji p2 lakić? Ili kakav texturac?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Essence 'girls on tour'

Hi there!

In Croatian dm stores, you can now found new essence collection 'girls on tour'. What's in it? Take a look!
U hrvatskim dm poslovnicama, sada se može pronaći i nova essence kolekcija 'girls on tour'. Što je u njoj? Pogledajte!
01 style, set, go! MPC 31,90
01 big apple MPC 22,90
01 voyage, voyage! MPC 15,90

02 go, sightseeing! MPC 15,90

03 hop on, hop off! MPC 15,90

04 tickets, please! MPC 15,90
01 i love my smartphone MPC 26,90

01 make me pretty MPC 11,90
eau de toilette MPC 25,90
Going shopping?
Idemo u kupnju?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hi there!

I know, I know, I absolutely neglected you lately... but I had so many other things to do. Let me show you my latest decent manicure, after which I lost two of my nails and now they're super short sad.
Ma znam, sasvim sam vas zanemarila... ali imala sam previše posla i nisam stigla. Nego, da Vam pokažem svoju posljednju pristojnu manikuru, nakon koje sam izgubila dva nokta i sad su svi super kratki sad.

I started with two coats of S-he 115, pure white polish. It doesn't have the greatest drying time, so I applied a coat of speed dry topcoat, also on pics. This reminded me of my elementary school days, when we painted our nails with corrector, because in those days, such a white polish was impossible to find. Now, I don't like so much whiteness on my nails, so I added some colors.
Počela sam s dva sloja S-he 115, čistog bijelog laka. Nema baš neku bajnu brzinu sušenja, pa je na fotki s brzosušećim nadlakom. Ovo me sjetilo osnovnoškolskih dana, kad smo nokte mazale korektorom, jer je onda bilo nemoguće pronaći ovako bijel lak. Previše mi je to blještalo na noktima pa sam dodala malo boje.

This is a simple manicure, all you need is some tip painter brush and colors of your choice to draw some lines and you'll create a waterfall effect. As you can guess, this manicure is called 'waterfall' big grin. I used Color line #56 and Catherine Arley #667 for waterfalls.
Me like, how about you?
Ovo je sasvim jednostavna manikura za koju vam treba tek tanki kistić i boja po vlastitom izboru kojom ćete povući ravne linije i stvoriti efekt vodopada. Kao što možete pretpostaviti, ova manikura je i nazvana 'vodopad' odnosno 'slap' big grin. Upotrijebila sam Color line #56 i Catherine Arley #667 za slapove. 
Me like, a Vi?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana