
Monday, December 31, 2012

December in pictures

Hi my friends!

I have only time to post summary of this month...
Ostalo je tek toliko vremena da ubacim sažetak proteklog mjeseca...

Have an awesome night my dears... love, Žana

Friday, December 28, 2012

Here comes... Rudolf!

Hi my friends!

Hope you all survived these holiday's feasts, too much drinking and overeating... finally it's the right time for new manicure . I didn't go any further from Christmas themes, I'm sure you'll all recognize Rudolf, the red nose reindeer and his friends. There's bunch of these manicures all over the internet, now it's my turn. Luckily I took a pictures of it before I left home.
Nadam se da ste svi preživjeli blagdanske gozbe, prejedanje i previše drinkanja... a sad je konačno vrijeme i za novu manikuru . Nisam se ni nastojala odmaknuti od Božićnih tema, sigurna sam da ćete sve prepoznati Rudolfa, Djedičinog soba crvenog nosa. Na internetu ćete pronaći hrpu ovih manikura, sad je red na moju. Srećom sam je poslikala prije no što sam izišla iz kuće. 

Cute and confused, right !? Base color is Eveline holografic shine 417, reindeer were made with S-he 500 (the old edition), black is the acrylic paint, white China Glaze 'snow' and Rudolf's red nose is China Glaze 'ruby pumps'. I'm only sorry that there was no sun today so the holo effect isn't visible at all. 
What do you think of my version of Rudolf? And while you're here, could you help me with some ideas for some of my future manicures, I'd appreciate any help 
Sladak i zbunjen ovaj moj Rudolf !? Za bazu sam iskoristila Eveline holografic shine 417, sobovi su obojani sa S-he 500 (stara bočica), crna je akrilna bojica, bijela boja je China Glaze 'snow' a Rudolfov crveni nos je China Glaze 'ruby pumps'. Žao mi je što danas nije bilo sunca pa se holo efekt ovog lakića uopće ne vidi. 
Što kažete na moju verziju Rudolfa? I kad ste već tu, mogle ste mi pomoći s kojom idejom za neku od budućih manikura, cijenila bih svaku pomoć .

Till we meet again... love, Žana 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Santa Claus

Hi my friends!

Marry Christmas my dears! Hope you're warm and safe, together with your loves ones and dearest 
Today is also the last day of our Christmas challenge, and I would love to thank girls behind Pink & Polished Nails and Overpolished blogs for organizing it. It was such a fun! I'm in kinda hurry today, so I'll be short, and that means I didn't have a lot time to spare to do this manicure. Hope in a good will spirit, that this manicure won't cause any 'clean up or die' type of reactions .
Čestit vam Božić drage moje! Nadam se da ste danas sve na toplom i sigurnom, i uživate sa svojim dragima  i  voljenima 
Danas je ujedno i posljednji dan Božićnog izazova, pa bih se zahvalila curama iza Pink & Polished Nails i Overpolished blogova za organiziranje istog. Bilo mi je baš zabavno! Ni danas nemam baš previše vremena pa ću biti kratka, a to znači da nisam imala ni previše vremena se zezati oko manikure. Nadam se u duhu dobre volje, da ova manikura neće izazvati reakcije tipa 'očisti zanoktice ili umri' .

For this manicure I used China Glaze 'ruby pumps' as base color, for white fur China Glaze 'snow', for black leather belt 'black satin' by Chanel, and golden Flash for buckle. That's all my friends, enjoy the rest of the holidays with your families .   
It would be great if you found some time to visit other girls blogs .
Za manikuru sam koristila (a šta drugo) China Glaze 'ruby pumps' kao bazu, za bijelo krzno poslužio mi je China Glaze 'snow', za kožni pojas Chanelov 'black satin', a za kopču zlatni Flash. To je sve moji prijatelji, uživajte u ostatku praznika sa svojim obiteljima .
Bilo bi super i kad biste našli vremena da posjetite blogove drugih cura .

Till we meet again... have an awesome time, Žana

Monday, December 24, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Tinsel

Hi my friends!

I don't have any tinsel on my Christmas tree, but I have some on my nails .
Na mom drvcetu nećete vidjeti ovakve ukrase, ali na noktima je sve moguće .

I'm so sorry about shitty pictures, but because of the glitters and sparkles under the light, it was mission impossible to capture this manicure properly. As base I used my beloved China Glaze 'emerald sparkle', for tinsel I used Flormar 390 and fauxnad plate B04. Simple, but stunning... maybe you won't agree with me but I really like it... ok, I'm crazy about 'emerald sparkle' and any manicure with it to me is just perfect .
Hope you'll like others girls manicures too.
Žao mi je zbog loših fotki, ali zbog glittera i odbljeska svjetla jednostavno nisam mogla postići ništa bolje. Za bazu mi je poslužio obožavani China Glaze 'emerald sparkle', a za izradu ukrasa sam upotrijebila fauxnad ploču B04 i Flormar 390. Jednostavno a opet efektno... možda se i nećete složiti sa mnom, ali meni se jako sviđa... ok, priznajem, apsolutno sam luda za 'emerald sparkle' i svaka maninkura s njim meni je super .
Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti i manikure ostalih cura.  

Have a wonderful night, Žana

Sunday, December 23, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Elves

Hi my friends!

Without any long story, here is my elf, just one of them:
Bez ikakve priče, evo vam mog vilenjaka, samo je jedan:

I was inspired by other girls manicures, few of them have done this for Christmas movie theme. I did the simplified version, just elf's little coat and his funky shoes . As base color I choose Essence 'sunny side up' from Sun Club collection, coat was made with 'i'm a berliner' from Essence I Love Berlin collection, golden buttons with unnamed Flash, and black and white are the acrylic paint. And that's it!
Now I'm off, so much to do...
Hope you'll take a look at other girls manicures too.
Manikura je inspirirana radom drugih cura, neke su ovo radile za temu omiljenog božićnog filma. Napravila sam jednostavnu verziju, samo kaputić i otkačene cipele . Kao bazna boja poslužio mi je Essence 'sunny side up' iz Sun Club kolekcije, kaputić je napravljen s 'i'm a berliner' iz Essencove I Love Berlin kolekcije, a zlatni dugmići su od neimenovanog Flash lakića... bijela i crna su akrilne bojice. I to vam je to!
Odoh ja, još me toliko toga čeka za napraviti...
Nadam se da ćete pogledati i što su druge cure napravile.

Till we meet again... love, Žana

Friday, December 21, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Wreath

Hi my friends!

This challenge is almost over, Christmas is in a few days... I'm not panicking, not yet . So much to do... but I still miss the will to do any of those things that need to be done . How about you, do you have the habit of leaving everything for the last minute?
But, I'm always in a mood for polishing . Today is a day for Christmas wreath. Mine is simple, I stayed with classic colors for this time of year.
Izazov je pri kraju, do Božića je tek nekoliko dana... ne paničarim, bar ne još . Toliko toga još treba napraviti... ali ništa od volje za radom i skidanjem tih poslova s dnevnog reda . Što je s vama, imate li i vi tu ružnu naviku obavljanja poslova u zadnji tren?
Ali, za igru s lakićima uvijek imam volje . Danas je na redu Božićni vijenac. Moj je prilično jednostavan, a držala sam se klasičnih boja koje nas okružuju u ovo doba godine.

The base color is Depend 310, gorgeous shimmery blue. The wreath is made of pine's branch, of course,  that's why the circle is not perfect, I drew it with China Glaze 'emerald sparkle'. Bows and ornaments were made with China Glaze 'ruby pumps' and some Flash polish, the number is on paper sticker which disappears as soon as you first touch it. Not the best thing I did, but pretty cute manicure, if you ask me.
Now you can see what the other girls have done.
Za podlogu je poslužio Depend 310, prekrasna svjetlucava plava. Vijenac je napravljen od borovih grančica, naravno, i zbog toga krug ne izgleda savršeno, a nacrtala sam ga s China Glaze 'emerald sparkle'-om. Mašne i ukrasi su napravljeni s China Glaze 'ruby pumps' i nekim Flash lakićem, čiji je broj bio na papirnatoj naljepnici a koji se izbriše isti tren kad ga prvi put uzmete u ruke. Nije najbolje što sam ikad napravila, ali sasvim slatka manikurica, ako mene pitate. 
A sad možete pogledati i manikure odnosno vijence drugih cura. 

Till we meet again... love, Žana

p.s. congrats, it seems like we all survived the end of the world 
p.s. čestitam, izgleda da smo svi ipak preživjeli smak svijeta 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Ornaments

Hi my friends!

When it comes to decorations for my Christmas tree, I like to keep it simple. Most of my ornaments on the tree are red, with a touch of gold. They look something like this:
Kad na red dođu dekoracije za božićno drvce, volim ih jednostavne. Većina njih je crvena, a nađe se i pokoja zlatna kugla. Ovako nekako izgledaju:

Last three pics were taken in the house, with my poinsettia in background, the rest of them outside, some on the sun, some in the shade. Last photo is only to show you my thumb . I'm pretty happy with this manicure, that's why so many pictures. The polishes I used are: China Glaze 'ruby pumps' and 'emerald sparkle' with some unnamed Flash by Vollare. 
Of course, now we all can take a look at other girls ornaments. 
Zadnje tri fotke su poslikane unutra, s božićnom zvijezdom u pozadini, a ostatak vani, neke u hladu, neke na suncu. Zadnja fotka je tu samo da vam pokažem i palac . S ovom manikurom sam sasvim zadovoljna, zato vidite toliko fotki. A koristila sam China Glaze lakiće 'ruby pumps' i 'emerald sparkle' te još jedan Flash od Vollare-a koji je odavno ostao bez imena.
I naravno, sad svi skupa možemo pogledati kakve su ukrase spremile druge cure.

Till we meet again... love, Žana