
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Splashing and splatter with KKcenterhk

Hi my friends!

I finally have a perfect splatter manicure ! Thanks to  KKCenterhk! This is the mail I received from them:
Konačno imam savršenu splatter manikuru ! Zahvaljujući KKCenterhk! Evo što sam dobila od njih:

But today I'll show you only these:
Ali danas ćete vidjeti samo ovo:

When unpacked, it looks like this:
Raspakirano, to vam izgleda ovako:

Always, but always, there's foil over image plate... even when it's hardly visible like on this plate. 
Plate is SPPM38, and you can found it here. Both, the stamper with scraper and the plate, worked so smooth for me, I didn't have any problems with it. I told you last time when I talked about stamping how I prefer plastic scraper over metallic, the plastic one is so much better for your plates. Here are the designs from this plate:
Uvijek, ali uvijek, je pločica presvučena folijom... čak i ako je jedva vidite i odstranite kao što je bio slučaj s ovom.
Pločica je SSPM38, i možete ju vidjeti tu. I pločica i pečat sa strugalicom, odradili su savršen posao, nikakvih problema nisam imala s njima. I zadnji put sam vam rekla da više volim plastične strugalice od metalnih, puno su bolje prema vašim pločicama. Evo i sličica s ove pločice:


See, all of them so clear . This set is perfect! Wanna guess which of these designs is my favorite? Don't bother, I'll show you .
Vidite, sve su savršeno jasne . Ovaj je set savršen! Da pogodite koji je moj najdraži dizajn? Ne trudite se, pokazat ću vam .

Ain't this a perfect splatter manicure? Or rather splashing ? Anyway, I love it, this plate has been too long on my wish list, now it's mine .
If you liked any of these, please use my nailcrazy69  code for 10 % off while shopping. KKCenterhk site is really heaven if you're nail art fan .
Zar ovo nije savršena splatter manikura? Obožavam je, ova je pločica dugo bila na mojoj wish-listi, a sad je konačno moja .
Ukoliko vam se svidjelo nešto od ovog, obavezno iskoristite i nailcrazy69 kod za 10 % popusta dok shoppingirate. Za ljubitelje nail arta KKCenterhk je zbilja raj 

Till we meet again... love, Žana

these products were send to me for review
proizvodi poslani na recenziju 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Interlock tutorial

Hi my friends!

Some of you asked me how I did that red-white interlock manicure the other day. If you don't know how to do it, this may help you .
Neke od vas su me pitale kako sam napravila onu crveno-bijelu interlock manikuru od pred neki dan. Za one koje ne znaju a žele znati, ovo vam može pomoći .

First you have to polish your nails, choose what ever color you want. My choice was Misslyn'greenwood', dark deep green color with tiny lighter shimmer. Unfortunately, on sunday,  when I applied it, there was no sun outside .
Prvo trebate nalakirati nokte, uzmite boju koju god želite. Moj izbor je ovaj put Misslyn 'greenwood', tamno zelena sa sićušnim svjetlijim shimmerom. Na nesreću, u nedjelju, od kad nosim ovaj lak, nije bilo sunca 

On pics two coats, no topcoat. I don't know about you, but I just love these kind of shades .  
We'll proceed with the other color, you're free to take which ever you want. With it, cover a part of your base color. 
Na fotkama su dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Ne znam za vas, ali ja baš vooooolim ovakve boje 
Nastavit ćemo s drugom bojom, sloboda izbora je vaša. S njom ćete pokriti dio bazne boje.

Then, take your dotting tool, or what ever you're using for that purpose, and make dots on the top of your second color. Don't put them too close, make a space between them, approximately the size of dots. Now your mani will look like this:
Zatim, uzmite svoju točkalicu, ili što već koristite u tu svrhu, i napravite točke na vrhu druge boje. Nemojte ih natiskati jednu do druge, ostavite mjesta između njih, otprilike onoliko kolika je veličina točke. U ovom stadiju manikura će izgledati ovako:

And for the final step, make a dots with your base color, slightly down on your second color and in between first dots.
I za kraj, napravite točke s baznom bojom, smjestite ih malo niže od ruba druge boje i između prvih točkica.

Your mani is now looking like this:
Vaša manikura sad izgleda otprilike ovako:

But I didn't stop there, I made one more layer on my middle finger's nails.
Ali ja nisam stala tu, napravila sam još jedan sloj na noktu srednjeg prsta.

Do you like the final result? As for this absolutely gorgeous silver foil, there will be a post about it, this one deserves it 
Hope this tutorial helps you, if you don't understand any part of it, ask me, and I'll try to be more clear. 
Sviđa vam se? A što se tiče ove fantastične srebrne folije, bit će i post o tom lakiću, on zaslužuje biti predstavljen sam 
Nadam se da će vam ovaj tutorijal poslužiti, ukoliko ne razumijete neki dio, slobodno pitajte, pokušat ću biti jasnija.

Till we meet again... love, Žana 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pink with chocolate

Hi my friends!

Among the bunch of unpublished photos I found swatches of two polishes. Let me show them to you.
Među neobavljenim fotkama našla sam i swatcheve ova dva lakića. Dajte da vam ih pokažem.

This is BeYu 107, no name, just number . Nice, girly color, on pics two coats, no topcoat. This is my first BeYu polish, and I'm pretty pleased with the quality of it. The bottle contains 8 ml of polish, the brush is narrow but easy to work with it, although I prefer the wider and rounded brushes. Drying time was fine.
Gore ste vidjeli BeYu 107, nema imena, samo broj . Zgodna, girly bojica, na fotkama su dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Ovo je moj prvi BeYu lak, i nisam nezadovoljna s njim. Bočica drži 8 ml laka, četkica je uska ali nije problem raditi s njom, premda više volim šire i zaobljene četkice. Vrijeme sušenja je bilo pristojno.

And this is 'nutella' spread over my nails . Just kidding, this lovely autumnal color is BK 42, it suppose to be flavored nail polish, but it's not. I bought it because I thought that nails smelling like chocolate would be so fun... but, as I said, nothing like that from this polish . Never the less, it looks great! It covers perfectly in two coats, and as you can see, it's unbelievably glossy, even without a topcoat. So, I'll keep it after all. I found it on e-bay, I bought one with strawberry flavor, but that one is total disappointment. If you're looking for flavored polishes, this brand is definitely not the right one for you.
Which of these two colors you prefer on your nails?
A ovo je 'nutela' namazana preko noktiju . Šalim se, ova zgodna jesenja boja je BK 42, trebao je to biti lak s mirisom čokolate, ali nije. Uzela sam ga jer sam mislila da će biti zabavno imati nokte koji mirišu po čokoladi... ali, kao što rekoh, ništa od toga od ovog laka . Ali, bar dobro izgleda! Prekriva savršeno u dva tanja sloja, a kao što možete vidjeti, sjaji se k'o blesav, čak i bez nadlaka. Tako da ću ga ipak zadržati. Našla sam ga na e-bay-u, kupila sam jedan i s aromom jagode, ali taj je tek bio totalno razočaranje. Ako tragate za mirisnim lakovima, ovaj brand definitivno nije rješenje, vjerujte mi.
Koju od ovih nijansi bi vi radije nosile na svojim noktima?

Till we meet again... love, Žana