
Friday, September 30, 2011

Marilyn & me

Hi my friends!

Shortly, this is 'Marilyn & Me' by Catrice, gorgeous red polish with glitter. If you looking for something glamorous, just grab this polish. It applies great, two coats are enough, dries pretty fast, great brush (I just love Catrice brushes), looks great inside and out... you gotta love this one 
Ukratko, ovo bi bila 'Marilyn & Me' od Catricea, prekrasan crveni glitter lakić. Ako tragate za nečim glamuroznim, samo nabacite ovog ljepotana . Nanosi se savršeno, dva sloja dovoljna, prilično se brzo i suši, super četkica (obožavam Catrice četkice), predobro izgleda i vani i unutra... ma morate ga voljeti 

Unfortunately, it's a hard job to catch it properly on the photos, but on these pictures it looks like itself. Please, click on it to see it better. Think this could be 'Ruby pumps' younger sister
Do you like it?
Na žalost, prilično je težak posao bio uhvatiti ga kako treba (od 50 fotki ove su najrealnije), ali na ovim izgleda onakav kakav je. Slobodno kliknite na fotke da vidite glitter malo bolje. Mislim da bi ovo mogla biti mlađa sestra dobro nam znane 'Ruby pumps'.
Sviđa vam se? 

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hi my friends!

I updated my last manicure, I was impatient to show you the last of Catherine Arley polishes that I've bought. This is #805, black holo, I'm pretty sure you'll recognize the rest of colors... if not, those are Catherine Arley holo polishes.
Doradila sam svoju posljednju manikuru, bila sam nestrpljiva da vam pokažem i posljednji od Catherine Arley lakić koji sam kupila. Ovoje #805, crni holo, a prilično sam sigurna da prepoznajete ostale boje... ako ne, to su isto Catherine Arley holo lakovi.

This was freehand, i added the silver line on transitions, also holo polish - 'worth the risque' by Color club... with tc, of course. I'm only sorry that was cloudy that day and I couldn't capture holo effect, I've tried inside, under artificial light... but, nothing new there, I'm not impressed with the pics. You'll just have to take my words for it, when I tell you that the holo effect is really there and it's quite visible. But, I really like this mani... if no one's gonna compliment me I'll do it myself 
But, let me hear what you think!
Ovo je prostoručni rad, dodala sam i srebnu liniju na prijelaze, također holo lakić - 'worth the risque' by Color club... s nadlakom, naravno. Samo mi je žao što je taj dan bilo oblačno i nisam uspjela uhvatiti holo efekt, probala sam unutra, pod umjetnim svjetlom... ali, ni tamo ništa novo, nisam zadovoljna fotkama. Morat ćete mi vjerovati na riječ kad vam kažem da je holo efekt prilično vidljiv. Nego, meni se ova manikura baš sviđa... ako me nitko neće pohvaliti učinit ću to sama 
Ali, dajte da čujem što vi mislite!

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Catherine in red

Hi my friends!

Hope you're all ok... everything is going smoothly in your life 
I'm not happy at the moment, and the reason is this polish - Catherine Arley #800. The color is nice, kinda pinkish red, the brush is ok, it applies smoothly, it dries quick enough... now you probably wondering what's wrong with it. I'll tell you - I just can't get decent picture of it! That's really annoying and frustrating .   
This is how it looks on the sun, two coats, no tc.
Nadam se da ste svi dobro... sve ide glatko u vašem životu 
Ja nekako baš i nisam sretna, sve zbog ovog laka - Catherine Arley #800. Boja je zgodnjikava, nekako ružićasta crvena, četkica je pristojna, nema problema s aplikacijom, ne suši se presporo... e sad se sigurno već pitate koji mu je klinac. Reći ću vam - ne mogu ga nikako uhvatiti kako treba! I to mi stvarno kopa živce i diže jetra   
Ovako izgleda na suncu, dva sloja, bez tc. 

And in the shade it looks this way.
A u sjeni izgleda ovako.

I noticed the same with the first polish, #801, that it's almost impossible to capture holographic effect of these polishes. I really don't know why, I didn't have this kind of problem with other brands. This particular color behaves like one of the neon, looks like it suck all the light inside... I really don't know how to describe it, but if you ever tried to take picture of pink neon, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Primjetila sam isti problem i s prvim lakom, #801, nemoguće je uhvatiti holo efekt iako baš i nije da je slab. Nemam pojma zašto, s drugim markama nisam imala takav problem. Ova određena boja ponaša se kao neon, kao da usisa svo svjetlo u sebe... ne znam kako bih drugačije to opisala, ali ako ste ikad probali fotkati rozi neonac znate o čemu govorim.
Uf, idem utopit svoju tugu u kakvoj žestici... ili moru suza 

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Poop updated

Hi my friends!

Surprise, surprise... after guessing if my last mani resemble on a poop or on a mustard, and seeing it on the sun, I kinda fell in love with it. I never had any of  Catherine Arley polish before, this was the first I've tried and I'm amazed how long it stayed on my nails... I'm sure, if I didn't put the crackle on, it would be still there. And it's much more holo than on my pictures, sorry. But I had to try one more of my new polishes, FlorMar graffiti G01, deep blue shade, with shimmer in it. Just take a look... this is how it looks on the sun...
'Đenjce, 'đenjce... nakon nagađanja koje je boje lak na mojoj posljednjoj manikuri, i nakon što sam ga vidjela na sucu, nekako sam se zaljubila u njega. Nikad prije nisam imala ništa od Catherine Arley, ovo je prvi njihov lak koji sam probala i moram priznati, da sam oduševljena koliko je dugo trajao na mojim noktima. Uvjerena sam, da nisam dodala crackle, još uvijek bi tamo i bio. I da, jači je holo u stvarnosti nego na fotkama, sorry. Ali morala sam probati još jedan novi lakić, FlorMar graffiti G01, modri lak sa shimmerom. Samo pogledajte... ovako izgleda na suncu...

 ...and inside, because the color looks more accurate inside.
... i unutra, zato što mi je tamo boja bila preciznija.

Unfortunately, this bottle had an accident on its way, the cap wasn't tightened properly and some of polish leaked and became something thicker, I believe. But, what a great polish this is ! Lovely color, it crackles just great... to see the shimmer please click for larger pics.   
What say you about this combo, like it or not?
Na žalost, ova bočica je putem doživjela nezgodu, čep nije bio stegnut do kraja pa je nešto laka iscurilo i pritom se zgusnuo. Inače, ovo je fantastičan lak ! Krasna boja, predobro puca... a da bi vidjeli shimmer slobodno kliknite i povećajte slike.
Što vi cure kažete na ovu kombinaciju, sviđa vam se ili ne? 

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thank you!

Hi my friends!

I'm terrible person! 
Some time ago, I won some nice prizes, and it's, finally, time to show them. 
The first one came from Nihrida and her sister Amikadeja, if you don't know about Amikadeja, hurry up to check her blog, she's really handy and skilful person. 
I received one bracelet, I choose it myself. The reason I didn't show it earlier is so stupid... I was unable to capture this beauty in picture... and I was so mad at myself. So, I'm hoping she won't mind if I put here hers picture, because this beauty really deserves to be shown properly. Should I even say that I'm in love!?
Ok, grozna sam osoba!
Prije nekog vremena, osvojila sam neke zgodne nagradice i konačno je došlo vrijeme da ih pokažem. Prva je došla od Nihride i njene sestre Amikadeje, i ako do sada niste upoznate s njenim radom, trkom na njen blog, radi se o izuzetno spretnom i vještom paru ruku. 
Dobila sam narukvicu, sama sam ju izabrala. Razlog zbog kojeg je i ranije nisam pokazala je prilično glup... nikako mi nije uspijevalo da je uhvatim onako kako sam hjela... i baš sam bila ljuta na sebe samu. Uglavnom, nadam se da se neće ljutiti ako ovdje stavim njenu fotografiju, jer ova ljepotica zaslužuje da se vidi u pravom svjetlu. Trebam li iti reći da sam zaljubljena!?
Thanks girls, once more!
Hvala cure još jednom!

The second one came from giveaway on Marina's blog, it was sponsored by Pine Branch Designs. I won one pair of lovely earrings, and this is what I've got...
Druga je došla s Marininog bloga, od sponzora Pine Branch Designs. Osvojila sam par slatkih naušnica, a dobila sam ovo...
... earrings, notebook, cute stickers, gift cart and cutest gift bag. Lovely, ha!?
Thanks girls, I really enjoy it!
... naušnice, notesić, slatke naljepnice, čestitku i vrećicu za poklone. Zgodno, ha?
Hvala cure, baš mi se sviđa!

One more thing... I have 500 followers, how amazing is that... and reached   50.000 visits
Big thanks to all of you wonderful people, for keep coming back to see what I've been doing... I didn't even dreamed to come this far. And it's all because of you  .
I hope I won't disappoint you in future .
And there's bunch of blogger awards... but I leave that for some other time. 
I još jedna stvarčica... vas 500 se i službeno ukrcalo na ovaj ludi vlak, i to mi puno znači... i prešla sam 50.000 posjeta .
Veliko hvala svima vama, krasnim ljudima, koji se vraćate da vidite što radim ili brbljam... nisam ni sanjala da ću doći ovako daleko. A sve zbog Vas .
Nadam se da vas ni ubuduće neću razočarati
A tu je i brdo blogerskih nagrada... ali o tom neki drugi put.  

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Poop on my nails... according to my son

Hi my friends!

I finally got my hands on some of Catherine Arley holographic polishes, and I couldn't be happier about it . Although I didn't get my first choice (I so wanted the green one ) but I took this one instead. When it arrived... I didn't know what to think... do I like it or not!? My son said it looks like a poop ... ok, maybe just a little .  
Jupi, konačno sam se dočepala par Catherine Arley holografskih lakova, i ne mogu biti sretnija zbog toga . Iako ovaj nije bio moj prvi izbor (tako sam htjela zeleni ) ali uzela sam ovog kao zamjenu. Kad je stigao... nisam znala što da mislim... sviđa li mi se uopće ili ne!? Moj dragi sinek kaže da izgleda kao kakica ... ok, možda malo i je      

On the first day I was wearing it, it was cloudy, there was no sun... but the next day the sun came and look how gorgeous it looks under it.
Prvi dan kad sam ga nosila bilo je oblačno, bez sunca... ali idući dan nas je posjetilo sunce i pogledajte kako fantastično izgleda pod njim.

As you can see, it looks great after full day of house-working, which really surprised me... finally one positive surprise, now I appreciate  this polish much more . And if I get tired of this color, I can always use it for some franken. 
Kao što vidite, dobro se drži nakon punog dana kućanskih poslova, što me baš iznenadilo... konačno i ugodno iznenađenje, sad mi se ovaj lak još više sviđa . A ako ipak odlučim da mi se boja ne sviđa, uvijek može poslužiti za kakav franken.

This was #801, if you wondering. In case of sunny weather, you may see more of these polishes. But tell me, what do you think of this one!
U slučaju da se pitate, ovo je #801. A ako nas posjeti još koji sunčan dan, možda ćete vidjeti još koji od ovih lakova. Ali recite mi, što mislite o ovom!

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana

p.s. if you wondering where's my little finger and why my nails are so short again, here is the villain... there was blood, now it hurts even to look at it   
p.s. ako se netko pita zašto skrivam mali prst i zašto su mi nokti opet tako kratki... evo zločinca... bilo je i krvi, sad me boli i kad ga gledam